Worries and Intermission

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Act 2 Scene 7 "friends again?"————————-

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Act 2
Scene 7
"friends again?"

It was a day later.


You were laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling.

The meeting was tomorrow and you were a nervous wreck. You had been completely out of it for the last day, not being able to focus on your chores or anything else for that matter.

Not even when you aunt was calling your name.

Someone flicked your forehead. That seemed to break you out of your trance. Your Tía stood in front of you, crossing her arms. "Y/n. You're finally awake? I've been calling you for the past minute."

"You were? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." You say solemnly.

"Yeah, I noticed." She sighs. "It's about your boyfriend isn't it?"

The title made you blush ever so slightly, but you gave your aunt a stern look nevertheless. "Shhh Tía! Not so loud." You scold her. "But.." you suck in a breath while biting your lip. "Yeah.." you say quietly.

She sits down next to you. "Do you know what you're going to do..?" She whispers.

You exhale. "No.. I was figuring I'd just.. let whatever happens, happen."

"Smart. Try not to think about it too much mi vida. Or else." She says ominously.

"Easier said than done, Tía." You groan.

She chuckles. "True, but I'm being serious." She grabs her notepad and her signature pencil. She sketches something quickly. After a minute she stops. She grabs into the paper and pulls what she had just drew out. A large box of your favorite chocolates. She hands it to you. "For the nerves."

You grab it, your mind feeling a little more at ease. "Gracias Tía."

"Uh huh. Don't thank me." She stands up and walks to the door. As she's about to walk out, she stops and glances back at you. "By the way, I'm rooting for you and the shapeshifter." She winks before shutting the door behind her with a smile.

"Tíaaaaaa!" You groan as she leaves. "So embarrassing..."



Meanwhile, with Camilo ~

"You up primo? Lunch is ready!" I heard knocking on my door, along with Mira's nagging voice.

I roll my eyes as I struggle to fix my curly hair in check. Bed head was hitting hard today. "No! I'm getting ready!" I yell back.

"Well hurry it up! Abuela says she has something important to say!" She exclaims. Her voice trails off in the middle of it. I assumed she started making her way downstairs without me.

"Okay! I'll be there in a second!" I keep trying to flatten my hair down, but it's no use. It keeps standing up on its own. "Yanno what.. who cares." I mutter under my breath. I grab one of my trusty Cho gos and tie my hair up into a bun.

I look at myself in the mirror. "Eh, good enough." I shrug.

I walk out my room and slide down the railings of the stairs, landing with a small stumble. But no one needs to know that.

I go to the dining room. Everyone was already seated with their plates in front of them. Great, that means I got the leftovers.

I quickly got a plate and toppled the remaining of the food into a large tower on it. I sat down next to my designated seat besides Mira.

"Have I missed anything..?" I whisper to her as I take a bite of my arepa.

"No.. she hasn't started talking. I think she was waiting for you.." she whispers back.

"Oh.. oops." I say with a shrug as I savor each bite I take of the food in front of me.

"Everyone, good afternoon. I want to start off by saying how happy I am that we are all able to eat together happily as a family." Abuela starts.

Everyone raises their cups including me. "Salu!"

Abuela smiles contently. "But I have some important news. Tomorrow, the Ramirez family will be coming over for lunch."

"Oh..kay? They always do. What's so special about that?" I say.

Abuela gives me a stern look. "I wasn't done, Camilo. As I was saying.. the Ramirez family is coming because they want us to witness the young love that will soon bloom in our Encanto. "

"What's that mean?" Antonio asks.

Abuela smiles at him. "Well Antoñito, Nicolas has fallen for someone in the Encanto. According to Lorenzo, he's planning on asking the lucky girl out tomorrow. He wants us all to see. Isn't that wonderful?"

I shrug. "Nicolas is pretty nice. Who's the lucky lady?" I wiggle my eyebrows jokingly.

"Right.. Y/n from the Castillo family happens to be the lucky girl. He will be asking her out tomorrow. Her entire family will be coming to join us for lunch for the occasion."

I choke on the food I had in my mouth. I pound my hand on my chest as I try to clear up my throat. "He's what?!"


Regular chapter mixed with intermission chapter. I hope u guys don't mind ALSO CAMILO WITH A BUN????

 I hope u guys don't mind ALSO CAMILO WITH A BUN????

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Enjoy lovelies.

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