The Accident

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——————-Act 2 Scene 1"You'll see"——————-

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Act 2
Scene 1
"You'll see"

It was the middle of the night. What time? Who knows? You'd guess it was around three in the morning.

Something your Tía said had been bothering. As your conversation continued, she started being more cryptic.

"Ah so it hasn't happened yet."

"Anyways. About my papa— your Abuelo"

"The darkest room, where nobody lives, some old letters, that all tend to forget."

You played her words in your mind like a broken record player. "The darkest room.." you laid flat on your bed, staring straight at the ceiling while thinking.

"Where could that be..? Papa's room? No, his is probably the brightest.." you mutter to yourself. "The basement? No, there are plenty of windows down there.."

You're deep in thought as you go over everyone's rooms in your mind. You immediately crossed out Emilio's and Valentina's. Their rooms were.. out of the question.

And the other rooms.. well, they weren't all that dark either. The basement and the attic were the only contenders. Wait.

The attic.

You sit up in your bed, "How did I not think of that?? Of course it's the attic!" You yell excitedly, not minding the sound of your voice.

"WHOEVER IS YELLING, SHUT UUUUUP!" Bianca yells through the walls.

You quickly cover your mouth with both hands. After a couple of seconds you yell out an awkward "sorry!" In the best Diego impression you could muster at the moment.

When Bianca didn't answer back, you assumed she had fallen back asleep. You lay back in your bed and whisper. "The attic.. huh.. I need to check that out."


The next day.

You were cleaning around the house to pass the hours quickly since you still weren't allowed out the house.

The hours passed and the sun began to set. A part of you was sad that your kidnapper hadn't gone for you today, but another part of you was considerate. He was a Madrigal, he probably had to help around the town too.

You set the broom down in a corner and head to your room. Upon the hours of endless cleaning, you had decided one thing.

You were heading to the attic tonight.


It was late at night, or early in the morning, depending how you saw it. Nevertheless, it was dark. Extremely dark. You sat up in your bed as soon as you couldn't hear any voices lingering around the house.

You crept out of bed and winced when a door board made an awfully loud creaking sound. You stayed still and thought out your next few steps carefully.

Lucky for you, you made it out of the room safely. You looked around and saw that all the doors of each family member were closed.

The attic was in Abuela's room, hence why nobody ever went in. But this was an exception.

You hoisted yourself up onto the roof of your casita. The rough tiles scratched your palms, but you ignore the stinging sensation.

You stood up tall and peered over the edge. "Woah.." your eyes widened as you saw the huge distance between you and the floor. You started having doubts. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.


You took a deep breath in and closed your eyes. You had to do this.

You reopened your eyes and took a few cautious steps. It was going good. Too good.

The next you took was your last—

You slipped on the house's tile. You let out a surprised scream as you scrambled to to grab onto the tiles as you fell. "Casita! Casita help me!" Your house awoke from it slumber and built a slide from tiles, but it was too late.

Casita couldn't save you in time. You fell from the roof. You braced for impact as you stuck your arm in front of you.

. . .

You make contact with the ground and as soon as you do, you let out an excruciating scream.

You clutched onto your now limp arm. It was turning purple and was burning like hell itself. Tears escaped your eyes as you shut your mouth to avoid waking anyone up. You bit your lip harshly as you remained holding onto your arm, creating nail marks from the pressure.

A door opens. "Y/n..? Y/n!"

You look up at the familiar voice, but tears flooded your sight. But you could see the figure run down the stairs and make their way in front of you.

You assumed they took one look at your arm because next they said, "Y/n what did you- you know what, nevermind. I'll go get Tía and Tío."

He runs off.

"Diego.. no don't tell.." you choke out, but he was gone.

You try reaching your swollen arm out, but the pain was terrible— unbearable even. "Diego.." you blink rapidly, slowly feeling your vision fading. "Don't.." you fall limply, unable to finish the sentence as your eyes are completely clouded. Everything goes black.



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