New Home

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"What is this place?" you heard your youngest brother, Santiago yell in front of you.

"Dummy, it's Encanto! There's literally a sign there! And besides, mamá has been saying we were moving here since, like, two weeks ago!" your brother Felipe screamed back.

Brothers, so clueless. And so loud.

Stretching your arms above your head, you realized that you had fallen asleep by the carriage's gentle rocking. Rubbing your eyes you asked, "Are we here yet?"

Your father, Luis Alvarez, without looking up from his newspaper, answered, "Almost, just a few more minutes before we get there," he suddenly groaned and rubbed his temples. "I've been rereading this article the whole 4 hours."

"Tough," you replied, as you searched your mochila for something to eat, although unsuccessfully. It would have been a good idea to pack some leftovers or something, like your mom had told you, several times. 

Oh well, paying attention had never been your strong suit.

"Yep, well we should be there any moment now. I wonder how your abuela is doing," he said, answering your snarky comment. Noticing your hesitation at the mention of your abuela, he quickly added, "Hey, guess what? I found a new job!"

"Oh, cool!" you said, not so enthusiastically. In order to avoid being rude, you added, "What kind of job is it?"

"It's a new one, as a blacksmith. I'm really excited, y/n! This is the opportunity I have to impress your mother!" your father replied jokingly as you tried to hide your smile. Your family could always bring out the best in you. Suddenly, the carriage lurched to a stop. Your mother excitedly ushered the whole family out, paid the driver, and unloaded the baggage. 

As your eyes adjusted to the bright sun, you saw the tiny village for the first time. Children were running in the street, adults in vending stalls were chatting, and the cacophony of noise blended together in a village melody that reminded you of home. Your actual home. And then you saw it. At the end of the cobblestone path, a large house, painted in all the colors that could ever come to your imagination, standing tall in the heart of the village.

The Shapeshifter's Clues (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now