Secrets and Such

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The buñuelo dinner was more delicious than you could have imagined. The rest seemed to go smoothly, so you relaxed a little. You still kept your guard up just in case something embarrassing happened.

After about an hour, your abuela wanted to go to bed, so you went to take her to her room while  Camilo chatted with your brothers. You felt his stare on you as you left to your abuela's room.

"Please accept my thanks Camilo. And your Tia Julieta, too. Today they were---exquisite," your abuela said, blowing him a chef's kiss.

Camilo smiled. "No problem, Señora Mildred. The honor is mine. Your grandchildren are very fun to be with."

"Ah, my Juanita did something right!" your abuelita cackled with laughter. "¡Buenas noches niños!"

Once inside your grandmother's bedroom, an air of something unspoken could be felt. I hope I know what I'm supposed to be ready for soon.

Your abuela sat down on her bed and patted the spot next to her. Yes! I need answers already!

You were expecting to get a heads up on what the 'danger thing' was, but instead, your grandmother asked, "What is the real reason you wore that dress? I know we both know, but I want you to tell me."

That was unexpected. Oh no.

"I already told you, it was a nice dinner and I wanted to look nice for you, abuelita!" you kissed her cheek to supplement your lie.

"Mija, I've known you my whole life. I know when you are hiding something. Was it for Camilo?"

"No! Of course not! I didn't even know he was coming!" you tried to control your voice level so Camilo wouldn't hear.

"Let me just say this. Tuck me in, give me my medicine, and read a passage from my book. Then I will tell no one where you were the whole day. Mija, I know when a girl is in love. In my 87 years of life, I have gained experience. Also, he's your age and he has no girlfriend," your abuela smiled at you and raised an eyebrow.

Why do grandmothers catch on to everything?

Well, the secret is safe with Abuela. Dang, I really thought I was good at hiding my feelings.

"Fine Abuela. I'm deciding to trust you. Do not make any references, comments, or anything that reveals it, ok?" you pleaded. You heard Camilo playing with your brothers outside the room.

"Of course, y/n," your abuela said. "You're secret is safe with me. Now get me to bed."

You almost missed when she said, "I hope mine is safe with you."

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