Under the Bed

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By the time the door of the room had completely opened, you were underneath the twin bed, hoping that whoever had just come inside hadn't seen you.

A murmur of noises came in with the slam of the door. You held your breath as you listened in.

"Do you think she's ready?"

"I've been training her her whole life, Juanita. She has to be."

That voice. That name. My mother is talking to someone.

"Why this then? Why can't you tell me? Why her?"

"It's not important. You know that! You know you would be in danger!"

"She's my daughter! Wouldn't she be in danger too?!"

"My time is coming!" suddenly the voice stopped and there was coughing. The other voice, your mother, gently assured the other that she was going to be ok. "You know I'm sick. You know why you're here. I have to tell somebody, and it's her. I wish it didn't have to be, but it is. There are reasons."

"Alright," your mother said as she sat down the other woman on the bed. You could see her shoes. Abuelita.

The tension in the room was so tangible you could feel it. It was suddenly broken by a distraught wail.

"I don't want you to go!" your mother suddenly started crying. "It's been so long, and I can't believe I didn't come before to spend time with you before you knew you had cancer. I should've been there. I should've been there..." Your mother was crying harder than you ever had seen her in your life. It made you want to start crying too.

"Ay mi niña," your grandmother said to your mother. "I know this is hard. Don't be so hard on yourself. You have 3 kids to take care of while your husband works. Don't blame yourself when you were doing what you could. I'll always be with you. You know she's ready."

Your mother sniffled and whispered, "You're right."

Under the bed you couldn't see what was happening. Trying to decipher what they were saying was impossible. Ready for what? What am I ready for? Am I ready?  Abuelita had cancer? What danger?

A thumping sound interrupted your thoughts. The red shoes that belonged to your youngest brother Santiago came slamming through the door.

"Santi!" Your mother said, attempting to sound cheerful. You could imagine her wiping her tears away as quickly as she could. "What, what, is it?"

"There's some kid at the door. He brought something for Abuela, but you told me not to open the doors to strangers, so I didn't open the door," Santiago explained. "Also, I'm hungry. When will daddy finish cooking?"

"I don't know, honey." your mother replied. Turning to Abuela in a hushed tone, she asked, "Are you expecting someone?"

"I am, in fact. High time the boy comes." Abuela guffawed. "He's my friend. I'm gonna go talk to him."

"You do that, mami. I will go fetch y/n so she helps with dinner. She's probably upstairs. I know she hates her room." your mother responded as she stood from the bed and led Santiago away.

Your abuela also stood up from the bed, moving to the front door slowly. "I'm coming, Cami!"

Who is Cami? you wondered. Wait.

Camilo had mentioned to you that every Sunday, he brought buñuelos to your abuela as a little surprise for her. It must be him. Cami. What a cute nickname.

You weren't sure why, but every time you thought about him, your heart raced. No, you thought. I have no time to be worried about boys.

You scurried out from underneath the bed and into your room. You found a clean blouse and put your ruana aside to wash later. You smiled as you remembered the fun time you had at Casita with the Madrigals, especially Camilo. I hope that fountain water can be washed out.

Whatever was looming ahead for you, you were ready. Right now you had to look poised and presentable. A cute boy holding food was on your doorstep and you didn't want to miss him.

The Shapeshifter's Clues (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now