Lost in Laughter

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Lifting your head up from the grass, you saw a large jaguar looming over you. You screamed, but your scream was muffled by another, more loud and high-pitched one. It was Camilo, laying next to you and laughing.

"No fair! There's no gifts allowed! And definitely no Dolores allowed!" Camilo was laughing so hard tears were streaming down his cheeks.

"Hey! But you shapeshifted into the grocery store clerk to try and hide from me! It's called compensating," Antonio giggled.

"I'm so confused right now. What gifts?" You had no business in this conversation, but you really wanted to know. Camilo started to explain but someone else cut him off.

"The Madrigal family gifts, of course," said a voice behind you. "What are you boys doing? It's almost lunchtime and your mother was worried! Did you not notice the clouds?"

Your mother was probably worried too. Eh, not really. She was too busy with your abuela, to really keep tabs on you. And what do you mean, clouds?

"Sorry, Abuela," both boys said in unison.

"And who is this? Are you getting other people involved in your racket?" An older woman, Camilo and Antonio's grandmother, helped you off the grass. She examined you and gasped as she saw your head. "You're bleeding!"

In the commotion, you had forgotten about that blow you had with the fountain. Camilo's grandmother looked angrily at the boys and scolded them, saying, "Wait inside. Both of you. You got this poor girl involved in your mischief. Get Julieta."

Camilo gave you a half smile and headed for the beautiful wooden doors of the Casita. Grabbing Antonio, they walked up the steps and disappeared behind the doors.

"Let's get you cleaned up. I've never seen you before. I must assume then that you are Señora Mildred's granddaughter. She is a good friend of mine. Pardon the--messy welcome you got. I'm Señora Alma, but you can call me Alma. Everybody is family in this village," Alma explained.

"Thanks for the welcome, but Camilo and Antonio didn't hurt me," you replied, leaving out the part when Camilo crashed into you. "We were playing Hide and Seek Tag, and I tripped and fell, that's all."

"Still, I'll have to talk to those two later. Come inside. I'll send Dolores to tell your mother that you'll be a little late. Let's get you patched up and ready," Alma replied, leading you through the doors of the magical Casita they lived in.

Your eyes couldn't resist the beautiful interior of the Casita, and you smiled as Alma led you to the kitchen.

"Casita, bring a chair," Abuela Alma said. You thought it was a little strange that she called upon the house to do things.

You weren't expecting it to respond.

The Shapeshifter's Clues (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now