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I have made her a false god. That's what's happened to me. In my eyes, she can do no wrong and there is nothing my heart can deny her.

I consider myself bewitched. I am wholly devoted. Her dark skin, dark, hooded eyes, the curls that frame her face, inch down her back. The way her hips curve, the way her chest rises when she breathes.

The way her pinky twitched when she lies. The way she whispers my name. How she feels.

The strength of her, the beauty of her the majesty of her.

I love her. I have loved her since I met her.

Today she's braided her hair. She changes her hair style often, sometimes wearing locs, sometimes braids, sometimes her natural curls. Some days she'll straighten her hair.

She's never in a good mood after having the straighten her hair, she says it takes too long.

I don't know why she does it. I think she's gorgeous either way.

She just gets bored she says. Looking the same every week. 

Her style changes too. Sometimes she dresses in all black, down to her make up, a goth look. Sometimes she goes Lolita, light pinks and frilly dresses.

Sometimes she's just casual, jeans and t-shirt, some tennis shoes. It takes a lot of money for her to look that good. To have those options.

It's a good thing money is not something I'm in short supply of.

I've concluded the meeting. The whole situation seems to brought on by a rival clan. That much I knew. There's not usually much violence. Even less gun violence.

I think my cousin is up to something. It was fine, our game when it was just us. But Dahlia's here now. He's playing with fire.

Playing with her. I won't stand for it. I wanted to show him mercy. But I can't do that if he endangers here.

Dahlia's fingers drag along my shoulders. I look up at her, with a small smile. Her braids touch my shoulders as she bends down to kiss my cheek.

I would kill for her. I close my eyes and smile.

"Good morning, love."

She gives me a small smile not acknowledging the name.

"Akira, you're doing business so early."

"Well....it was urgent. Did you sleep well?"

Her lips turn up, her hands resting on my shoulders, lips trailing against my neck in wet kisses.

My breath shudders. I thought I would build up a tolerance. A resistance to her charms. It hasn't worked. I can't seem to build immunity to her.

"Is there something you need," I ask her.

She frowns, pulling away for a moment. Damnit. I hate to have her lips leave my skin.

"I just wanted to say good morning," she frowns.

She's not dressed yet. She's in her nightgown. Her nails are done. Press-ons. She likes to be able to pop them off if need be at a moments notice.

Always ready.

"Will you be free tonight?" She asks softly.

She kisses my shoulder.


"Take me to dinner. If it's safe." She asks softly. More of a demand, her hand reaches down my chest.

I look up at her, she smiles softly as she meets my eyes. Her lips finally meet mine. Soft, supple and warm. I want her.


"You don't have to hold back," she whispers softly, her hand inching down my chest toward my erection.

She's tempting me. Does she want something? Is she afraid? Does she think she needs to placate me in order to ensure her safety? Any time we're intimate my mind rushes to these things.

And I cant see a straight answer, so my stomach turns. I put us here. When I took her, her consent became under duress.

I can't ...I can't have her. Not in good conscience. Not like this.

"Akira. You've offered me an out," she coaxes. "I didn't take it. I'm not...being held against my will anymore. I'm here because I want to be." She tucks my hair behind my ear.

She's right. Time and time again I've offered her a ticket out. What if she's afraid to take it? What if she thinks it's a trap?

"You always did get lost in your thoughts," she whispers.

She wants me. I think that's what this what this about. Or...I guess she's just sexually frustrated.

"What do you need from me, Dahlia?" I frown.

"I need you," she whispers softly. She slips around in front of me, sitting on my lap. "I miss you, Akira. I miss—"

She gasps, feeling my hardness straining against her warmth. Her face goes flush, as she looks between my eyes.

"Are you sure? You know anything you want of me I will give you. You don't have to lie to me. Or pretend you want me."

And then I feel her. She flutters against me, her thighs flexing against my waist. Oh. She wants me.

She wants me.

I swallow roughly. I twitch against her, her eyes on mine, a shiver taking over her. Oh fuck. Her breathing shudders.

Her fingers rest on my shoulders. They're shaking. Is she anxious or afraid?

My hands drift down her torso, resting on her hips. Her gaze is steady. She's warm. Hot to the touch, I can feel her heat through my jeans.

Her tongue darts out, gracing her bottom lip.

"Akira..." she whispers her voice laced with need.

I pull her hips forward, rocking her against me. A gasps escape from her, a breath a moan. Her fingers curl against my skin.

I pull her hips against mine once more, raising mine it meet her. She searches for my lips frantically, kissing me deeply.

Her whispers are tainted with my name, as her hips move on their own now, chasing her own high. Her nightgown is easily pushed up, settled around her hips, her bare pussy rubbing against the rough denim of my jeans, her arousal leaking onto them.

"Fuck, Akira," she whimpers, grinding herself against me.

She's so beautiful.

I love this night gown. It's so modest, but it's easy to push aside, pull it up. Only I know what's under it when she wears this.

"Hm...Daddy," she whispers in my ear. She clings to me, desperately, eyes squeezed tightly shut as she focuses on her pleasure.

"I'm here. I'm right here," I kiss her head. Her nails sink into the flesh of my shoulders, scraping down my back pressing as close to me as she can.

"I'm so close," Dahlia whimpers against me. She needs something more. I close my eyes, inhale deeply.

I need to keep control.

Her neck arches. I lean forward, sinking my teeth into the flesh of her neck. Dahlia's head falls back, a shudder taking over her.

She's so gorgeous in the throes of pleasure.

My Dahlia's head falls on my shoulder her body finally going limp. I rub her back softly, kissing her head.

"I'm here, Angel. My baby I'm here," I kiss her once more.

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