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I wake to Akira laying next to me, with his eyes open.

"You're awake then?" I ask.

He nods. "Yes."

I stretch, sighing. "I'll shower, and then I'll help you."

"I think I can do it on my own," he informs me, "Thank you."

I narrow my eyes. "Oh alright. If you think you can, I'm sure you can. I'll go first."

He nods. "Dahlia, will you leave again today?"

"Yes, I have work," I tell him. His eyes stay still, but they're a beautiful color. Bright blue. In stark contrast to his black hair.

He's large, with a lot of muscle. His long hair, and strange tattoos. He looks like a mixture of a thug and movie star.

His face is almost always still, and calm. His voice is deep but level. If there's one thing I don't trust about Akira, it's how calm he is. About everything.

"Be safe," he advises me.

"I'm sure I will," I snort. Those bastards will probably hassle me today. I should take my knife today.

I look over him. I narrow my eyes. "Was that there before?" I say to myself, looking up at him.

"What?" He asks me calmly.

"That blood stain. I don't remember it being there."

"I have not bled since I fell asleep, since I have no wounds. Maybe I spilled something."

I frown. I don't think that's true. I—

"Dahlia," he says lowly, taking my hand. "Please guide me to the kitchen. I would like to eat, please."

So many pleases and thanks yous. He's very polite.

He reaches for my hand. I take it. It's large in mine. He's like giant, but I'm not midget. I'm 5'11 myself.

"Thank you, Dahila."

I sigh. "Yeah. Think nothing of it," he follows me, closing his eyes, pausing before the chair. I push it out, helping him sit.

"There. I won't have anything ready—"

He turns to the direction of my voice, opening his eyes. There's no focus to those eyes but they pierce me anyway.

"Don't trouble yourself for me. You do so much already. Please, just go about your normal routine. I'll be fine."

Somehow, I don't doubt it. He says everything with conviction, you almost don't have a choice but to believe him.

"I'll fix you breakfast and lunch. I'll be leaving for work soon."

"What do you do?" He asks, I strip, since it doesn't really matter.

"I run a small flower shop. It belonged to me and my husband," I quickly fry an egg.

"It's by the sea? Near the beach?" He asks.

"Yes. How did you know?"

He smiled. "You smell like the ocean. It's strong."

I look back at him. He's keen, that's for sure. He picks up on subtle things, and his senses are sharp.

"Be careful today," I tell him, "If anyone comes before I'm home, hide in the bedroom if you can."

He nods. "Alright. I'll try my best. Is there anything I can do for you, Dahlia? To repay you for your kindness?"

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