The Darkness Within!

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The screen showed Aiger, Hyde and you have zero points and it's a first battle.

A demonic laugh echoed through the arena.

"Bad boys and girls! Are you ready?" Mr. Demon said. "It's time for Lord Hyde vs Aiger Akabane vs (Name) Glass!" Mr. Demon said. "It's time for tonight's main, main, main event!"

"Aiger Akabane, (Name) Glass, your championship title means nothing here!" Mr. Demon said and giggled. "You two are going to get blown out just like last time!"

At Beigoma Academy gym.

"Aiger and (Name) are not gonna lose!" Naru said in determination.

Back to you.

"We're so gonna crush you!" Aiger said.

Hyde didn't say anything but stared at you and he took out his fist. You and Aiger glared at him.

"Kaboom! Like fireworks!" Hyde said as he opened his hand. "That's what I'm going to do to Achilles!" He said. "But, your Beyblade Empress will be mine soon!"

"And there it is! Lord Hyde with a pre-emptive burst!"

"You little jerk!!" Aiger shouted in anger. "(Name) will never be yours!"

Fubuki stood up, "Don't take a bait!"

"Calm down man!" Ranjiro yelled. "(Name)! Calm him!"

Aiger gritted his teeth in anger and you grabbed his hand. He looked at you and you give him a look. A little second, he broke the contact and turned to Hyde.

"Aiger..." Ranjiro muttered.

"First Battle!"

Aiger looked at you and nodded. You nodded back and switch mode to attack.

'We'll rip you apart in attack mode!' Aiger thought.

"Ready, Set!"




"Let it...Rip!"

Three bladers released their beys into the stadium. Achilles and (Bey Name) synchronizedly landed on the stadium.

"It's time for Lord Hyde'e grand performance!"

"Play around with them, Hades!" Hyde commanded.

Three beys collided and Hyde felt his chest's hurt a little. Aiger did the same. You gasped and worriedly looked at Aiger.

"Aiger..." You mumbled.

"They're going at it right out the gates!"

Achilles and (Bey Name) clashed with Hades again and again.

"Things suddenly got climactic!"

"Let's go, (Name)!" Aiger yelled. "Get him, Achilles!"

"You too, (Bey Name)!" You said.

Achilles and (Bey Name) clashed with Hades again and again and again.

The more clash Hades gets, the more hurt Hyde gets. He grinned.

"Take that!" Aiger yelled.

"It looks like you've progressed a bit," Hyde said. "I like that... But is that all you two got? Show me more!"

Achilles clashed with Hades hard, making Aiger felt hurt inside.

"Aiger!" You yelled out.

"I'm fine!" Aiger replied.

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