Battle Royale! Beyblade Heroes!

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Beigoma Academy, the gym.

"Good morning, everyone," Principal Shinoda said.

"Good morning,"

"It looks like you're all in good spirits," Principal Shinoda said. "Today I have special present...  For the Beyclub and the Wild Bey Gang,"

"A present?" Aiger asked.

"Lucky," you giggled.

"Aiger Akabane, Rin Kiyama, Ranjiro Kiyama, Fubuki Sumiye and (Name) Glass... This is a reward for your accomplishments in the world of Beyblade," Principal Shinoda smiled.

"What is it?" Aiger said in excitement. "Is it somethin' tasty?"

"All you think about food," you sweatdropped, Aiger glared at you and pouted.

"Mr. Principal, can you just tell us already?" Ranjiro said.

"Look behind yourselves, children," Principal Shinoda said, everyone turned around and saw something giant covering in blue cloth. The blue cloth take out, revealing a new stadium.

Everyone was awed. Aiger's the first one to rush.

"Woah! A two floor stadium!" Aiger said.

"It even has a slope... We can get a lot of speed from this," Fubuki said, walking up to the stadium.

"Hey... Is this a ramp or somethin'?" Ranjiro asked, walking up also.

"Holy! This is awesome!" Rin squealed.

"How am I supposed battle since my ankle isn't fully heal yet," you sighed.

"I'm glad that you asked," Principal Shinoda said, walking up. "If you jump off of that ramp, you can make it to the second floor of the stadium,"

"Oh man! Hurry up and let us battle on it!" Aiger said in excitement.

"Well then! Why don't we start with a seven-man battle royale-" Principal Shinoda got cut off.

"Hold up!"

Everyone look at you.

"What's wrong?" Fubuki asked.

You didn't say anything but look at (Bey Name). You shut your eyes and now you're in the headspace with your bey spirit.

"What's the matter?" (Bey Name) asked.

"I remembered, Achilles healed Aiger," you said. "So, if you maybe-"

"Of course," (Bey Name) said. You smiled brightly and (Bey Name) touch your cast ankle, heal it. A few seconds later, you feel no pain on your ankle.

"Thanks a lot, partner," you said, (Bey Name) nodded.

In reality, you opened your eyes and smiled.

"(Name)?" Ranjiro asked.

"I feel my ankle is fully healed," you said.



"That's fast!"

You giggled, making Fubuki, Toko, Ranjiro and Aiger blushed. Rin just smirking.

"Uh, you need some help to break out your cast?" Ranjiro asked. You nodded. Ranjiro smiled and randomly took out a circular saw.

"A circular saw?" Aiger asked. "Are you trying to get her killed?!"

"Of course not, airhead! I'm breaking her cast!" Ranjiro glared. You sweatdropped and Ranjiro walk to you and help you break the cast.

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