Rebirth! Turbo Achilles!

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The rain pouring with dark clouds.

"Why...? After all of the resonance we had..." Aiger muttered. His hair is wet, cause of rain and his clothes also. You also had a wet hair. "Was it not enough?" He looking down at broken layer of Achilles. "If I only I'd felt more of your pain..."

"Aiger..." You whispered his name, looking worried about him. But you have a feeling that you and Aiger has connection.

"All of this would've never happened..." His mind flashes of Valt.

"Let's give him all we've got partner!"

"Partner...?" His mind flashes of Shu.

"Resonance is the bond between your and your bey," Shu said. "Do you and Achilles have a bond like that?"

"A bond...?"

The red thunder strike.

"I..." Aiger's eyes widened.

"Aiger..." You muttered before grab his hand and pull him into hug.

"(Name)...?" Aiger muttered.

"Do you get it now?" You asked. "Do you understand the meaning of resonance?" Aiger stay silent.

"I'm here with you, Aiger,"



The rain stopped.

Kiyama siblings and Fubuki were running to find you and Aiger and they found you and Aiger. You were hugging Aiger.

"There they are!"

"Aiger! (Name)!" The trio rush to you and Aiger. "What are you two hugging around here for? You two are all wet," Ranjiro said, but on the inside, he was jealous of Aiger, who have all of your attention.

Rin and Fubuki noticed and gasped. "What the-!?" Ranjiro also noticed. They saw broken Achilles.

"Achilles!?" Ranjiro was shocked.

"Who did this?!" Rin growled.

Aiger stay quiet as you released the hug.

"Hey, Aiger!"

"Guess i was mistaken..." Aiger muttered. "I thought that resonance meant feeling pain," he said. "The stronger our resonance was."

"Boss, didn't you say that..." Ranjiro's eyes widened. "All I ever thought about was crushing my opponent?" His mind flashes of Achilles bursting all the beys.

"I think it was way then... When I stopped hearing Achilles," Aiger said. "I thought that was because we'd become one..."

Then, Shu, Sora, Valt and (C/N) came.

"But I was wrong," Aiger said. "Achilles was speaking the entire time..." You stare at Aiger. "I just never bothered to listen."

"Aiger," you spoke up, making him look at you. "I always listen to you," his eyes widened. "You always there for me, you always ask me to join the fun even though I'm always bored, you're my best friend, Aiger," you give him a smile and knelt down to pick up the pieces of broken Achilles. "You weren't fighting together at all," Aiger stare at you and so did the others. "You had nothing that could be called a bond," you grab his hand and put Achilles on his hand, you grab his other hand and place it to cover Achilles. "And no one else destroyed Achilles but you."

Aiger has his tears, staring at you.

"You're different blader, Aiger," you smiled at him and leaned closer to him, put your forehead against his. "I care for you,"

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