Chapter 4 - Pilot || Part 4

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Elizabeth woke up to her door handle jiggling, the voices of Topper and Rafe muffled as she climbed out of bed. The girl stood up, noticing she was still in the outfit she had worn to the party last night. She examined herself in the mirror, sliding her fingers through the roots of her hair downward to eliminate the mess that had occurred during her sleep. She reached forward to open the door, intending on yelling at the two boys for waking her up, when the events from the previous night rushed through her head. The girl turned back to the bed, seeing the boy from last night resting peacefully in her covers, not showing any signs of distress as the boys continued to argue beyond the door.

"JJ," Elizabeth said through her teeth, attempting to whisper. She continued to repeat his name quietly in an attempt to wake him. She walked over to the boy, beginning to shake his body back and forth. The boy's eyes opened as he groaned, turning his body and hiding his head under the comforter. Elizabeth rolled her eyes, continuing to push the boy.

"What are you doing?" JJ groaned once again, his voice deeper than it had been the night before.

"Topper and Rafe are at my door," Elizabeth seethed, pointing her finger to the wooden door which Elizabeth had locked the night before.

"What? You embarrassed of me?" JJ grinned towards the girl, quickly figuring out how to stress her out.

"Wha-- no, JJ." Elizabeth shook her head as JJ's grin widened. "Do you really want to deal with my brother and Rafe asking questions this early in the morning?"

"No, but it'd piss them off to see me in your bed," JJ smirked once again. "C'mon. I'll let them know what a nice and long night the two of us had together."

"Long night?" Elizabeth scoffed. "As if you could last."

JJ grinned at her comment, looking her up and down. "Alright, well maybe not with you."

As the two bantered back and forth, the boys on the other side of the door had begun to look for the room key on the top of each door frame. They weren't sure if Elizabeth had made it home last night, and they wanted to ensure her safety-- at least, that's what they told themselves.

Elizabeth's face became increasingly agitated as her cheeks burnt pink. "JJ, get on the floor. They won't be able to see you behind the bed."

"I'm not going on your floor," JJ responded.

"Please?" Elizabeth pleaded.

"No," JJ stated, laying back down in the comforter, wrapping himself like a burrito. The girl shook her head, pushing the boy off the bed and into the large gap where he could be hidden. He fell horizontally, causing the floor to thud as his weight hit it. "Ow!" He called out. Elizabeth pleaded silently that he wouldn't talk as she opened the door, revealing a suspicious looking Rafe and Topper.

"Boys," Elizabeth deadpanned, not having forgiven them for their actions the past night. Perhaps Rafe could be forgiven, but Topper had totally betrayed her trust. How could he not tell his sister that he knew from day one that her boyfriend had been cheating on her?

"Lizzy," Topper responded. "Where'd you go last night?"

Elizabeth glanced between the boys, "Where does it look like I went last night?" She turned towards her room, letting them both look around. Luckily for Elizabeth, JJ had decided to keep quiet as he hid under the comforter on the floor. The two boys looked behind her and into her room, not noticing anything suspicious.

"Where'd Maybank go?" Rafe asked, raising one of his eyebrows at the girl.

"JJ? Well, after you kicked him off of public property he went back to his friends house," Elizabeth sneered at the two.

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