Chapter 30 - The Gold || Part 1

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John B. Routledge and Sarah Cameron were dead. That's what the pogues were told-- there was no way their seemingly small boat had survived the crashing waves created by the storm. It would have taken a miracle. But for the pogues, miracles were far from often as they were more likely to be unlucky.

    It had been three days since John B and Sarah's boat disappeared into the dark sea, each day depleting the pogues of any remaining hope of seeing their friends ever again. The four remaining friends gathered together on most days in an attempt to continue their friendship and show support for one another, but it just wasn't the same. Without their leader in John B, the group felt unsure of where to go next. Without the short, snarky comments from the blonde girl, the room was constantly quiet.

    Despite everything that had happened between them, JJ and Elizabeth barely spoke. Instead, the two let their bodies do the talking as they rarely let each other out of their sight, JJ being constantly attached to the blonde girl. They had promised to talk about their feelings when they were reassured that John B was safe, but he wasn't.

On the fourth day, JJ had given up. He rolled out of bed past the girl next to him who slept soundly on her side, JJ cringing as the bed creaked. Being careful not to wake her up, he gently passed around the end of the bed and through the door, feet sliding along the vinyl flooring. He passed by the other slightly open bedroom door, looking in as he noticed Pope and Kiara laying together in each other's arms. The boy reached toward the doorknob, twisting it slightly and shutting the door. Pope and Kiara's faces slowly faded away as the door inched shut, JJ continuing to walk past the kitchen and through the outer doors. His eyes narrowed as the sun hit his face, his vision becoming clearer as he continued to wake up. He walked over to the dock, sitting on the edge and allowing his feet to hang over the water.

Elizabeth turned to the side, her confused eyes widening as she realized that JJ was no longer in the bed with her. She instantly got up, allowing for her body to calibrate being awake as she followed JJ's steps out towards the kitchen. The girl stared out the kitchen window as she watched him lean back on his arms and stare back out into the water. There hadn't been a moment when the pogues weren't thinking of their two lost friends, JJ having taken John B's disappearance the hardest.

Elizabeth gave the boy a moment, watching carefully as he leaned backwards on his arms causing his muscles to protrude. Walking out the door, Elizabeth closed it gently behind her to ensure the remaining pogues weren't awoken. She walked hastily towards JJ and sat down next to him, her legs too short to hit the water as they dangled in the air.

"Hi," she spoke, her morning voice straining.

"Hey," JJ mumbled raspily, barely looking at the girl's face. He turned away from her, not-so-subtly wiping a tear from the bottom of his cheek. Elizabeth watched his face harden as he turned away, knowing he hated her seeing him upset. His dad had told him that men should never, ever cry. It was the one mumbling of truth that JJ had taken from his selfish, unavailable father. "Nice day."

Elizabeth closed her eyes, not wishing to acknowledge the awkwardness between the two. Out of all things, JJ decides to bring up the weather. "Yeah," she responded, her eyes never leaving his face.

"Why are you up so early?" JJ asked, finally turning to face her. His eyes were red and teary despite him trying his best to hide the evidence.

"I felt you leave," Elizabeth responded, holding out her hand towards the boy. Within a second he took it, his warm hand embracing her cold one. "Is everything okay?"

"I've just been thinking," JJ responded. Elizabeth halted, unsure whether she should push forward with the conversation or not. Someday they were going to have to have the conversation-- and someday was today.

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