The Letter

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Unknown's POV

I finished crafting my letter and for the finishing touches I sealed the envelope with red wax. I drove out to the woods near Rose's house and saw her room light off. I leaped up to the window ledge and pushed the window open. "Tsk tsk naughty girl, always lock your window." I place the envelope on her bed and took in my surroundings. Cream colored walls, red colored bedding and clothes everywhere. "My sweet Rose, we will do something about your messiness when we are together." I rummaged through her dresser until I found what I was looking for. A white pair of lacy panties. I unzipped my pants and sat on her bed. I took out my engorged cock and started to stroke myself with her panties. "Mmm soon you'll be mine baby girl. I can't wait to fuck that tight cunt of yours." I finished in her panties and tucked them into my pocket. I took one last look around her room and exited through the window. "We'll meet soon love."

Rose's POV

Brent dropped me off at home later that evening and gave me a sweet kiss goodnight on the front porch. "Call me if you need anything love."

"Goodnight Brent" I couldn't help but grin up at this beautiful man.

"Goodnight sweetheart." I walked into the quiet house, I guess my parents weren't home, and trudged up the stairs to my room. A chill zipped through my spine when I opened the door to my room. "What the hell?" There was an envelope sitting on my bed. I opened it to see a handwritten letter addressed to me.

My darling Rose,

We haven't met yet but I've been watching you. The first thing I noticed was your brilliant smile and radiant, angelic face. Did you know? Did you know that you were promised to me? Our parents made a proper deal when we were both infants and we are betrothed, my love. Ask your parents and see what they say. Actually ask them what happened to your birth family. See if they'll tell you the truth. I'll never lie to you Rose. I can't wait until we are joined like promised.

I will be seeing you soon,

Your love

Oh my god what the fuck is this?! I let out a scream and heard the front door bang open.

"Rose! Rose are you ok?!" I heard Brent yelling as he ran up the stairs. I guess he hadn't left yet. Shakily, I passed him the letter. His brows furrowed until he finally let out a growl. "Like fuck! Who the fuck wrote this bullshit?" He spat.

"I walked in and this was on my bed. What does this mean Brent?"

"I don't know sweetheart but we will get this figured out. Maybe we need to speak with your parents. I can wait with you until they get home."

Damien's POV

Ring ring ring

I answered my brother's phone call, "what's up dumbass?"

"Get over here to Rose's house, we have a situation."

"Is she ok? Is she hurt?"

"She ok for now, will explain when you get here." Brent hung up on me.

I grabbed the keys to my truck and bounded down the steps. Speeding the whole way, I arrived at her house right when her parents pulled up.

"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Canto. My name is Damien, I'm here to see Rose."

"Well it's kind of late Damien, maybe we should-" before Mr. Canto could finish his sentence Rose came running out the front door and engulfed me in a hug so big I almost fell over.

"Rose what's wrong" Mrs. Canto inquired.

"Mom I got a strange letter. Can we go inside?" Rose pleaded.

I was uncomfortable seeing her so upset. I held her hand and led her to the front door. After we all settled down on the couches Rose proceeded to tell us how she got home to this strange letter.

"What is this person talking about mom, dad?"

Her parents glanced at each other for a moment before her mom started, "Rose sweetheart, you're adopted. We couldn't have children and so we chose the route of adoption. I don't want you to ever doubt our love for you though. We've had you since you were a baby and you are our child, even if I didn't give birth to you." Silent tears streamed down Rose's face.

"I don't care about that, I love you guys, you are my parents. But do you know anything about my birth parents? Maybe that can give us an idea of what this person is insinuating." Rose asked them.

"No, the orphanage didn't have any information on you. We were told that you were found in a bassinet on their front porch late one evening." Her dad said.

So my Rose was adopted, I can't begin to understand the stress she's under right now. I grabbed her hands and placed a kiss on her knuckles.

"Honey why don't you introduce us to these men" her dad asked.

"Well this is Brent and Damien. We are good friends." Rose said. I can't blame her for not saying boyfriend just yet. I suppose it's been less than a week that we've known each other. With the mate bond I feel like we've known each other forever.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Canto" I shook their hands and Brent mirrored the sentiment. "We are going to head out for the evening and give you guys a chance to talk."

Rose followed us outside and placed chaste kisses on my lips and then Brent's. "Goodnight fellas, I'll see you in the morning." She gave us a little finger wave and walked inside.

"Fuck!" Brent exclaimed. Fuck is right. We just found our mate and already someone is trying to claim our sweet Rose. We really need to talk to the other guys and tell them what happened tonight.

"Let's call the others" I told Brent.

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