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Maximus's POV

I'm not sure where I'm at. Before we left the apartment I found a cellphone that I assume is mine because it had pictures of me and Rose on it. I was looking through messages and pictures. It's so weird to see myself yet I don't remember any of these memories. I hope that damn tea wears off soon. I feel like that's the reason I lost my memories but I'm concerned that I haven't gotten many of them back yet.

I'm wandering around the streets and decide to check into a hotel. I pull out my wallet, thank goodness I found it in the apartment, and I paid for a room.

I could tell the woman at the counter was into me but I wasn't feeling it. The first time I felt something besides despair was when I was kissing Rose. I just can't believe that I was with an angel like her. She is easily one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. I have a few vague memories that started coming of what I believe is my childhood but it's like watching a movie, it feels unreal. I'm holding out hope that more recent memories will come to me soon. I laid in the bed of the hotel room and closed my eyes.

I'm sorry, Rose, I feel uncomfortable around you right now and I can't wrap my mind around sharing a woman with someone else. I sighed and went to sleep for now.

Brent's POV

I didn't have a destination in mind when I left the house. I just needed to get away. I can't believe her. I would give up anything for her, do anything for her, and she can't keep her lips to herself. There's a small part of me that feels I'm overreacting but I'm too upset to listen to that part of me.

Next thing I know, I'm outside of Layla's house.

I sit in my car, looking at her front door. Fuck it. I get out and knock on the front door. Layla answers and looks shocked.

"Brent?" She asked confused. I don't blame her, I don't know why I'm here either.

I grabbed her and crashed my lips to hers. She pulled me in and closed the door behind me.

Joel's POV

I put Jarren in his crib and sighed. I walked out of the room and went to my room. It feels cold and lonely in here.

*knock, knock, knock*

"Come in," I hollered out.

Damien opened the door and came in, closing it behind him. He sat on the end of the bed and look at me before saying, "what do we do about the Garrett situation? Can we get past this? We already forgave her for Asmodeus because she was under duress but this situation feels different because she likes the guy. In fact I'd say she's still in love with him. The only reason they broke up was because she moved. So what do we do?"

"I don't know dude, today was supposed to be a happy day and that all got ruined. I just want to be alone right now," I tell him.

"I understand, I just needed to vent to someone. I'm worried about Brent though, he seemed the most hurt and I don't know what he's going to do in his anger. You know he acts first and thinks later. I have a bad feeling about this." Damien said.

"He's a grown ass man, if he messes up, that's on him." I tell him. He nods and then gets up to leave.

"Hey Damien, if you need to talk, I'm here for you," I tell him. He looks back a second and then leaves the room. I plop backwards on the bed and close my eyes to go to sleep.

Colten's POV

"Are you ok, baby?" I asked Rose. She shook her head before putting Maddie down in her crib.

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