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Damien's POV

We were all sitting with Rose in the bedroom that she's going to be staying in. The bed was quite crowded while we all tried to make ourselves fit. Pretty soon she'll be headed to see Abigail and get some answers.

"Are you sure you don't want us to accompany you?" I asked again. I was concerned that she wanted to meet her alone.

"Yes, I'm sure," she repeated again.

"I've been thinking, when we finally make it home tomorrow, we should see about marking and mating again. Maybe tonight would be a good time to question Abigail about the meaning of the marks and if it's normal or not." Colten chimed in.

"That's a good idea." Brent agreed.

"Baby, be careful with her. She may have helped us out before but we don't know her well. You're also carrying our baby in there." He rubbed her belly softly before giving it a kiss. Just overnight it seemed she started showing a little bit.

"I'll be fine, and so will little baby Canto." She cooed.

"Canto? Why should we go with your last name? We have plenty of quality names to choose from." Joel reminded her while caressing her cheek.

"There's too many of you. In fact you guys should all take my last name. That would be easiest. Can you imagine Rosalie Renee Canto - Dean - Jones - Santorino - Star? That's a huge mouthful." She joked though she seemed to be a little serious.

"There's no reason to worry about that yet babe, we'll get it figured out before then, even if we have to take your last name." Colten winked at her. Suck up.

"Ok guys let's talk about this later, it's almost time for me to meet up with Abigail." She started to shoo us away. We all left the room and passed Abigail on her way up to Rose. "Good evening fellas." She greeted us.

I gave her a curt nod while the others muttered greetings. She moved past us and knocked on Rose's room. Rose opened up with a smile and ushered her in. The door closed with a click and I knew that Rose was serious about speaking to her by herself. I just hope she's careful. Thankfully all our rooms were situated on the same floor so that we could be close in case anything happened. I really wish we had already remarked each other. Stay safe my love.

Rose's POV

I rubbed my sweaty palms on the sides of my dress. I'm beyond excited to get answers but also kind of nervous. I heard a short knock on the door and I plastered a smile on my face and answered. I urged her in and gave one last look at my mates before I closed the door and locked it for privacy. I know a lock would never keep them out in case of an emergency but it felt like a statement for privacy.

"Well dear. I know we have much to talk about. Where do you want to start?" She questioned. I had already thought this over, "I want to know if my parents are still alive and if so, where are they?"

"Unfortunately your parents were causalities in the war against the demon realm. Their bodies were never recovered so they aren't buried anywhere, but I don't want to give you false hope, I watched them die myself." I took a moment to dissolve this answer. Tears already started to streak down my cheeks while I took a breath. "What is this war that you speak of? I haven't heard of it." I asked next. "You wouldn't have heard of it. It's strictly between heaven, hell and the fallen."

"What's a fallen?"

"It's someone who used to be an angel in a past life. When they're resurrected they're identified by a specific birth mark. You my dear are one of the fallen. You should have a birth mark that's shaped like a star. It's in different places for different individuals but your parents found yours on your hipbone." What the fuck. This is way too much information that I wasn't expecting. I'm essentially in the middle of a holy war.

"Why were my powers sealed as an infant? What's the significance of being a fallen?" I prodded further.

She gave a weak smile and urged me to sit beside her on the bed. I sunk into the plush bedding and turned to face her.

"Your parents had heard legends of fallen and reached out to me. After I told them what you were, they became concerned and asked me to seal your powers. Fallen are one of the few creatures that have holy abilities that can kill demons. They can be human or a supernatural creature such as yourself. Nobody knows what goes into being chosen but we do know that demons keep an eye out for them so they can snuff them out of existence before having a chance to grow. Your parents had hoped that if they kept you removed from anything supernatural that you'd have a chance at a normal life. When your mother gave birth apparently the hospital was owned by one of the demon clans and the doctor alerted them of your birthmark. Your mother refused to give you up and it led to her and your father's demise. She had told me that she dropped you off at an orphanage after sealing your abilities. She had hoped the anonymity would give you a fighting chance. Now that you're in the supernatural world the likelihood of others finding out what you are increases. When I sealed your vampire and witch side I also sealed your holy powers. Those powers are what I'm afraid will attract attention. I think that's why you have multiple mates, the gods needed you to have extra protection. You must tell your mates what we discussed. They are the only ones that you can completely trust. Trust no one else, even me."

When she finished with all this information I had no other questions that I could think of. My mind was officially fried. I waited a few minutes before I spoke again. "Can you tell me about my pregnancy? Am I pregnant with multiple babies or just one?"

She smiled and gave my belly a soft pat. "My dear you're pregnant with twins, one boy and one girl. They seem to have a lot of your abilities in them, it's too early to know if they also are one of the fallen. Check them for birthmarks when they're born in about 3 months."

"3 months? Are you sure?" I gasped.

"Yes, they will grow quickly due to strong genes. Take care mama and talk to your mates. They'll do anything for you." She gives me one last reassuring look and walks to the door, opening it. I can see the faces of all my mates right outside. Sigh, I should've known they'd be listening in.

"So twins?" Brent grinned, his dimples showing.

"Yes." I smiled and whispered.

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