Bonus Chapter

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Here is a bonus chapter from the few extras that are only available on Tapas. A little something to ease the angst between the boys.

Caspian kicked off one of his shoes, abandoning the other in his haste to climb over his bed

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Caspian kicked off one of his shoes, abandoning the other in his haste to climb over his bed. He stepped onto the edge of the blue quilt pushing himself back as he tried to get himself comfortable. With another small frustrated huff, he kicked off the remaining shoe, barely missing the dusty shoe print he had left at the edge of the quilt. With a slice of toast still held between his lips, a can of coke in his right hand and his phone in his left the teenager settled into his bed.

He placed his phone between his legs and reached for his toast with his free hand, only to rethink that decision, deciding to open the can first before pulling out the slice of bread hanging from his lips. Caspian took a large bite and placed his toast onto his bed, paying no mind to the butter that soaked into the quilt or the crumbs that fell off it. With his mind on other important things, the teenager picked up his phone unlocking it to access the one app that was currently on his mind, Reddit.

The anonymity of his account was more than enticing when he had questions he wasn't sure about. And this question seemed to be a big one but also one he didn't want people tracing back to him. The teenager opened the subreddit he needed and scrolled through it, first stalling under the guise of 'checking out the sub'.

Caspian didn't know if he was brave enough to ask what he needed to ask but he figured that was the point, fear and well (not to be dramatic) life-altering decisions was the reason why he was surfing the r/demisexual thread. Not that he didn't know his sexuality because he did know. He just had a couple more questions that were making it hard for him to do anything without them being answered.

A notification popped up at the top of the screen momentarily pulling his attention away as he stared at it. It wasn't anything big. Well not really. It was sort of big. Ok, so it wasn't that big, just a little off. Caspian wasn't sure what to make of it. Since the tense mood at lunch the day before, things between him and Henri seemed a little...(again Caspian wasn't being dramatic, just honest) strained.

Henri wasn't outright ignoring him but he also wasn't acting normal, the whole shift was upsetting for Caspian. Which made his question all the more urgent. But even with more than a couple thousand people waiting for him to post or supposedly not waiting. Caspian wasn't all that sure people on Reddit had lives. I mean he did see a lot of outrageous questions and then others seemed to be ever-present to answer questions. Caspian supposed that was a good thing since he had a question. A very urgent question.

His coke fizzled in its can, forgotten on his nightstand after the first three sips and his toast was staining a bread sized square into his quilt fully outlined with the shape of a large bite mark. Caspian instinctively rubbed the back of his neck trying to calm the frustration that was crawling under his skin. Was it always meant to be this difficult? Caspian wasn't entirely sure it was difficult but he didn't have any other word for it.

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