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My family was little upset with my proposal.

Me: Stop it guys, let me say something first. Let me take that test and I will pass it of course. But when I start schooling with bunch of middle schoolars and If I found that I'm not able to fit there or you found yourself that I'm fitting there, I will get admission in elementary school.

Okay. I know you guys think that I will not be able to handle or my social development will not be enough due to this jumping but trust me I can do it, Okay. So what you say, let me try atleast otherwise you will certainly fail if you don't try in first place. I know, this is New thing for you guys, No one around us or someone we know of, has done something like this. But this is just fear of New things. When I make this happen, you are will think, ohh that's not that of Big deal.  Well, it will be big deal but not in a negative way but positive way.

After listening to my words, they calmed down.

Me: Dad, grandpa, you two are in business. You see different things, meet unexpected events and have probably experienced ups and downs. You two are seasoned veteran, come on, which thing doesn't have risks ...haan... But those who take the risk and overcome are winners. If you don't enter into river, how can you be able to assess it's depth. And I'm different from other normal kids, you can't make me follow their path. I have knowledge, courage, potential and what I need is your support to forge my own path. People only remember those who are exceptional and unique. May be people will start walking on my path after me, won't that be wonderful.

Jay: Will, I got to say this that you are more mature and calm than what we were thinking. There are intelligent people in this world but wisdom and maturity comes with experience. Yet, here you are. You have convinced me and now you have my full support. You are intelligent, mature, thoughtful and pretty good at convincing people. You do what you want to do fearlessly and I have got your back covered, if any thing doesn't happen the way you want, you can always come to me for any kind of help you need. Meaning of the family is to support its members and I'm with you.

Phil: Yes, buddy. We are here for you. You without any worry focus on what you want to do and we will always support you no matter what.

Claire: I'm so sorry sweetheart. I wasn't thinking it through. We will always support you in any thing you want to do.

Jay( wishpering to Claire): While we are on this topic, I have to ask this. Are you sure, you didn't cheat on Phil when you got pregnant with Will. You can tell me who's his real father..Haan..

Claire ( in low voice): come on, seriously.

So that's how our discussion ended. Then in front of my family members, Alex quizzed me with elementary school problems and material, I answered it quickly, correctly and fluently.

Next day, I went to school and Principal informed me that after their internal discussion, Exam is scheduled 10 days from now. They need to prepare exam papers to assess my level of elementary school knowledge.

I thanked him once again and prepared to review the middle school material once again though I don't need to due to perfect recall.

Me: Mr. Principal, I would like to have library card to access library of the school.

Principal: Sure, I can arrange that. Come to my office and take it when classes ends.

Then, I spent my day in school, reading high school books which I borrowed from Hayley. Later that day, I visited principal's office again and got my library card. I hurried to library and collected books on Optics, electromagnetism and mechanism and mathematics books to borrow.

Librarian: you look like 5-6 years old, son. you must be in kindergarten

Me: yes Sir, I have currently being assigned into kindergarten.

Librarian: currently being assigned? What that supposed to mean!

Me: It's little complicated, but it won't be long before things will get clarified.

Librarian: when did you took admission?

Me(frowning): Today.

Librarian: So, you might not know but you are not allowed to borrow books from high school section.

Me: Is, there really such restriction. Then doesn't it mean that school is restricting curiosity, intellectual development and preventing students from pursuing knowledge and research interests.

Librarian: Listen son, I don't know any of what you are saying. I'm bound by rules and unable to let you borrow these books.

Me: Well, that's quite...balanced approach from your side. So, Sir tell me, are we allowed to read in Library itself.

Librarian: Yes.

Me: and what is closing time of library.

Librarian: when classes ends.
Me: So, you allow people to bunk class and read in Library because otherwise there is no time to be in library.

Librarian:  ....... No, we don't allow students to do that.

Me: So, when students get the time to be in library.

Librarian: .......

Me: Is library only for showcase. Please pardon me if I am rude. No wonder private schools are mostly famous for admitting celebrity kids.

Librarian: well, you can get permission from principal office then I will be able to entertain your request.

Me: Thanks for advice, Sir.

I returned to home and told my parents about it. They also realised this things are used for attraction to crowd only.
I knew it wouldn't be possible until the 'test' so I asked my parents to register in nearby public library for library card so that I can borrow books from there.

In the days of No internet, public libraries are very helpful. There are also positives to it that materials are precise and accurate as they are reviewed and fact checked by publishers. Physical Books can increase more crave to learn compared to digital form.

Days goes by, and finally day of test arrived. I took test and as always aced it with 100% score.

Principal: Well, Mr. William, you are an Genius kid. You scored full marks in all papers. It is very surprising and shocking for me that you are only 5 yrs old yet you passed the test of this level with 100% score in all subjects. It is very rare, Atleast i haven't saw anyone like you in my life. Our school is very pleased and thrilled to have you as our student. Our school will make every effort to support your dreams and aspirations. We can make specific curriculum for you in middle school and we are willing to provide any help that we can. Please welcome aboard.

I asked him to give me special permission slip through which I can access any book, magazine, material from school library.
Principal gave his special permission to me and I officially joined in 6th grade.
Days goes by, I attended the school and I also joined some clubs for extra curricular activities. When 6th graders saw me in their class.

They were very surprised and astonished to see me. They were taller compared to me. I was about 112-115 cm, they were like 145-150 cm. Some were even taller than that. Few curious ones inquired about me and got to know some details. I don't know how much they knew but one thing was going on in their mind and that was bullying.

Teens in America are like dogs in heat. They are very harmonal thanks to the age so such things are the first to come in their mind when they see someone shorter, thinner or something different in them. I was also aware of their mentality so I was prepared to do some bonding with them to avoid any loss on my part.

Modern family: AdditionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora