Airport (3)

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Phil : Relax, Pumpkin, I got this. It's all about knowing the route.
You're talking to a guy who made his way through college by
driving a pedicab. You know what one of those is?

Mitchell : Yes, yes. I just saw one pass us.

Phil : Quick, who sang "Evil woman"?

Man : What?

(Phone ringing)

Phil : Hello?

Claire : Phil, where the hell are you?

Phil : Uh...let's see. Oh, shoot, I just missed my turn.

Claire : You're supposed to be here with me. I told you, I get more and more freaked out as we get closer to the flight!

Phil : Well, I know, but Mitch...

Claire : I was counting on you to be here, so, thanks... a lot.

(Call hunged up)

Phil : She's pretty tightly wound. Some people are just built that

Mitchell : Honestly, could you drive any slower?!

(Cut the scene)

Scene : At waiting Area

Manny : Guess where the world's largest wind generator is.

Jay : Is it right behind me?

Manny : Nope. It's on the island of Oahu. I'm thinking about using
it in my song about Hawaii.

Jay : What song?

Manny : Didn't mom tell you?

Gloria : Surprise! The whole family's putting on a show for you for your birthday. Everybody's performing! Even Phil brought his dummy! Isn't that great? Jay?

Jay : Oh, I'm sorry, I was just thinking how tragic it would be if I fell into that volcano.

Gloria : Ay, papi, don't say that.

Cameron : Ow. Ow. Ow. Not yet, sweetie. Not yet.

Haley : See, he's perfect. Look at him getting coffee and not
putting chocolate in it. He's so mature.

Alex : What about Dylan?

Haley : Dylan's not that guy.

(Flashback at Dunphy household)

(In Hayley's room)

Claire : Haley! Come on! We're leaving in two minutes! Get up!

Haley : Oh, my God!

Dylan : Oh, no. Is it tomorrow?

Haley : Dylan, what are you doing here?!

Dylan : I was gonna go, but then you fell asleep, and since you're
leaving for a week, I wanted to stare at you as long as I could.

Haley : You have to go. My
parents are gonna think we did it!

Dylan : As if.

Haley : Okay, get out of the house, and make sure that nobody
sees you!

Dylan : I'll miss you. When you're gone, it's like I'm this prisoner
trapped in a cell of loneliness.

Haley : Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's beautiful, but
you have to go.

(Dylan rushes downstairs and avoiding seen by anyone)

Claire : I hate this feeling. I hate it, and it's just gonna get worse
and worse until the flight.

Phil : Hey. It's gonna be fine. Uncle Phil's here. Great job, buddy! First one ready!

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