Acquisition and retention

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I don't want to waste time to wait for certification to be completed, rather I intended to manuevor a bit to acquire the licence, necessary equipments, manpower etc. early and fast. Business requires sufficient information, and sometimes information is equal to wealth.

  Many companies on Wall Street are engaged in the same role as middlemen. The more famous McKinsey Consulting Company, Boston Consulting Company, and PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting Company, etc. I directed my team to contact them to select the adequate target.

Contact was made and investigation started immediately. Through phone I conveyed my directives.

Me: Tell him to find a bankrupt or near bankruptcy company with RIA.

Person (member of the team sent to complete the task) : Yes Sir.

Me: Tell him that whole transaction including debt on the company should be within 3 million USD and we will pay in Full cash in one time but we will not pay to him. He will get his share from the commission given by other party and how much he can make from this deal will be upto him provided that we don't encounter short end of the stick. Okay?

Person: Yes sir, I understand. I will proceed as per your request.

Me: Do check for employees having series 6,7,63,65,66,67 licences. If they have that's good, if not recruit them. Okay, and complete this whole procedure fast.

Person: Yes Sir.

After sometime and investigating here and there, We locked our target on "Brooke fund".

This is a relatively good company and still in operation. It used to manage more than 170 million U.S. dollars in assets. The founder, Mr. Michael, used to be a professor of finance at Columbia University. Later, he resigned and went to Wall Street, to make a lot of money.

Things were going great but last few short term operations went wrong and despite having health issues, he was depressed and smoked alot. He was diagnosed with cancer and so wants to sell the company to live his rest of the life with some peace.

Through the financial report of the Brooke Fund, I found that the performance in the past few years was quite good, but it suddenly crashed few year ago and continued to decline till now.

So overall framework of the company is acceptable and we proceeded with the transaction.

After procedure got completed, I scheduled the meeting with the employees of my New security trading company which I named to be "Crystal Funds".

After Few days, date of scheduled meeting came. This time I didn't participate in the meeting but instructed remotely. Reason for that is, Perception and trust play a very critical role when it comes to the security trading company. Not only for your own employees but also your clients who select your company and invest in your company, hoping promised returns.

Clients generally see companies of this industry and it's employees with quite skepticism and when my employees will see my young age, no matter how I prevent, a seed of doubt & distrust will germinate in their hearts which will spread & trickle down from the company to the clients; increasing that skepticism to whole New level which is neither good for company nor me.

Until unless I make such national headlines frequently for some time which will project and cement my uniqueness, geniuses, maturity and brilliance which will offset my other limitations and provide me boost which will make masses to trust and have confidence in me as a genius and master of my work.

Making such national headlines is Very easy for me but what I lack is the right opportunity so that I can extract maximum benefits without or quite less repercussions.

Till now, not even a year has completed since the start of my endeavours and after some time when year will complete then national headlines about me will appear which will become more and more frequent as time will progress.

I instructed brokers of my company "Crystal Funds" to buy oil shares across the market.

Me : Launch the operation effectively. There should not be much noise. Do the whole process quitely.

Broker: But, sir Oil prices is still quite high compared with before 1973 Oil shock and Market is not fluctuating beyond normal. There is even tendency for stability and Govt. may not sit idle at high Oil prices and can repeal the law in which they stopped the price control on their part and let it be regulated by market.

Me : I understand these things but what you are missing is the turmoil in the middle East. There is faint tendency for armed conflict in the region, which can escalate into full war situation.

My team member : Sir, I have no such information and it's still just our speculation which will incur us high losses if not true and besides there is quite a movement in the refinary industry that is oil companies are pumping money for the search of new oil fields in various regions.

Me : As we all know that OPEC member countries are carrying out oil embargo to USA and it's Allies and there is quite a tension & conflict within OPEC members as well regarding how things should proceed or how much oil production is done etc. etc. In nut shell; I'm in contact with a public think tank & have read their analysis and possible impact of this oil embargo, and I must say it's good and though they themselves are not very clear about whether armed conflict will emerge or not or what will be the point of contention. MY own analysis tells me that their is high probability of an Armed conflict of the considerable extent in that region especially in the gulf region. I will not say how much is that probability nor I will elaborate on evidences on which I base my conclusions but what I want is that my orders be followed as strictly and as soon as possible.

EmployeeBroker : Ok Sir.

Me : Thank you and sprint up; there is still time before evening.

Employee : Yes Boss.

Me : Ok before I end this call; I have a investment product in my mind and I would like to have you all to contact our clients and explain to them to invest in it. And of course I welcome any criticism, suggestion which you might have after I finish my explanation.

After the discussion, I ended the session and people resumed their work. When Iraq will invade Iran and oil production from both countries will be ceased; Oil prices will sky rocket for year or two and after that I will sell these shares because after that oil prices will go down tremendously due to oil production from Non- OPEC countries as well as new oil regions discovered domestically and abroad.

As for as I know Oil prices became half until 1985-86 of what it was when it peaked in 1980-81, in my previous life. So these things are in my consideration when this whole operation is planned.

Not only that search for new oil fields worldwide started due to the fact that developed countries eg. USA, European countries, Japan etc. and developing economies especially in Asia lacked oil and needed them urgently without depleting their reserve stocks.

With this information in my hand, I can invest in the exploration of new oil fields and also direct them to the places where oil actually exists to forego unnecessary difficulties so that I can temporarily sell oil at higher prices to countries that need oil and Earn profits. Later on before oil prices started to go down, get rid of them by selling.

In this way, I will earn money when market is High and hot and exit it before it becomes cold and low. Though specifics of when and how will still need closer consideration and meticulous attention.

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