Fears (1)

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Mitchell : What am I most afraid of? Hmm.., let's see.

Me : Not able to achieve everything that I want to achieve.

Alex : Global warming. And getting a "B"

Claire : The phone ringing in the middle of the night.

Phil : That I'm too much of a perfectionist.

Claire : Honey, this isn't a job interview.

Phil : Oh, man. Job interviews.

Jay : Nothing.

Gloria : Yeah, right. What about the pigeons?

Jay : Oh, I don't like them. They're shifty.

Cameron : Losing Mitchell.

Mitchell : Oh! Hotel bedspreads.

Haley : Never getting my driver's license. Or getting one and the
picture sucks.

Manny : Dying alone.

(Back to the scene)

Scene: Dunphy household

Claire : Oh, Haley, sweetie, did you find your shoes?

Haley : Mom, please, not today.

Claire : I just wanted to know if you found your shoes.

Haley : Why are you hounding me? I'm freaking out right now!

Claire : You need to relax. It's just a driver's test.

Haley : It's my third driver's test, and if I fail again, I have to wait
six months to retake it. That's six more months of you driving me

Haley (talking on the phone) : And then I'm like, "there's no way I'm wearing that." And she was like, "well, if you don't wear it, then you can't play." "like." And then I was like, "well, you know what? That's fine by me."

Claire : Honey!

Haley : "like." And she was like, "well, if you don't play, then..." "like." "like." Mom! Mom!

Claire : Stop! Stop saying "like" all the time!

Haley : You're embarrassing me! Stop it!! Like, like, like, like, like!

Claire : Aah!

Claire : Mm.

Alex : Haley, found your jacket.

Haley : Why is everyone on me?!

Alex : God!

Me : Hell No! Come on what's the point of freaking out so much, in fact it makes you perform even worse. Keep your head cool and nerves relaxed. You will give your best outcome.

Claire : Ignore her. She can't focus on two things at once.

Alex : Always a good quality in a driver.

Claire : Sweetie, we need to get you some shoes for the dance

Alex : No, we don't. I'm not going.

Claire : What are you talking about? Why would you not be going to the dance?

Alex : Because school dances are lame. A bunch of immature boys
trying to impress you with how cool they are when they're really just a bunch of dorks.

Claire : What about you, Will. Do you share same idea.

Me : No. In fact I'm of different opinion.

Alex : And what is that. care to explain?

Me : Why Not. According to me whether or not Such events have the apparant effect that you mentioned; it doesn't matter because main intention/ idea behind these events is to give students a plateform to face their fear of crowd and public. It prompts you to face, reflect and plan on how to handle these kind of situations or how to behave under such circumstances.
Believe or not it is very important in the development of overall personality.

Claire (in surprise) : Wow!

Alex : Well, nice attempt at persuasion but I think I will pass.

Me : As you wish but remember one think and that is it is always advisable to nip the problem in the bud so that it doesn't haunt you later.

Phil : Ready to go down under, mate?

Luke : Yes.

Alex : What are you doing?

Phil and Luke : Treasure hunting.

Claire (in taunt) : Wow.


Phil : a few days ago, the cable guy was under the house. When he was leaving, he said to Haley, "wow, that's quite a collection
you've got down there." Here's the thing -- we have no idea what
he's talking about. All week, Luke and I have been getting more
and more excited about what it could be.

(Back to the scene)

Luke : I bet it's really cool old magazines.

Phil : Yeah. Or a bunch of necklaces made out of animal teeth.

Luke : Or bugs frozen in amber.

Phil : What if it's really expensive bottles of wine?

Luke : Or a suit of armor.

Phil : What if there's ancient Indian arrowheads under there?

Luke : What if it's gold bars?

Phil : Oh, you think?

Claire : For god's sakes, why don't you go under the house and


Scene: Pritchett- Tucker household

Mitchell : Hey, cam. Cam, where did we get this dolly from?

Cameron : Oh, from Janice and Olivia. They brought it over
yesterday. Lily loves it.

Mitchell : It seems a little frilly, you know, coming from them.

Cameron : What, because they're lesbians? That's sort of an
offensive stereotype, don't you think?

Mitchell : Yeah, I suppose. I'm sorry. Oh, hey, did they bring back our coffee maker?

Cameron : No, it was too big, they were on the motorcycle.


Cameron : We got off to an awkward start with our pediatrician, A very nice asian lady...

Mitchell : Irrelevant.

Cameron : ...Named dr. Miura, So I took the bold step of inviting
her over for brunch.

Mitchell : I'm sorry, uh, "bold"?

Cameron : She said no patient had ever done it before.

Mitchell : Yeah, subtext... "this is weird."

Cameron : I didn't hear any subtext.

Mitchell : Do you hear any now?

(Back to the scene)

Mitchell : I don't even know why we're doing this.

Cameron : Because what if Lily gets sick and there's a tamiflu
shortage? Who do you think's gonna get that medicine? The
patients she likes, that's who.

Mitchell : Well, maybe if you bake her a cake, She'll give us free x-

Cameron : It's all about making connections. Why do you think
the dentist gives me all that free stuff?

Mitchell : Um, because he's a huge queen and he has a big crush
on you.

Cameron : Really? Do you think so?

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Pritchett household

Manny : Mom?

Gloria : Hmm?

Manny : I have a fever.

Gloria : Ay, mi amor, come here, and I feel you.

Manny : Oh, I don't want you to get you sick. It could be fatal.

Jay : Then by all means, stand next to me.

Gloria : Let me feel you. Ay, papi, but you're not warm.

Manny : Uh, probably because you were cooking and your hands are warm. I'd better skip the party tomorrow just to be safe.

Gloria : Oh, yeah, the party.

Jay : What?

Gloria : The party.

Jay : I understand about 20% of what goes on around here.

Gloria : The party is at an amusement park, And Manny is afraid of roller coasters.

Jay : Poor kid.

Gloria : I don't know where he gets his fear from, Because his
father's not afraid of anything... No bulls, no heights, no
helicopters, no fast cars.

Jay : But go to dinner with him and wait for the check to come.
Then you'll see fear in his eyes... Like the waiter's a ghost.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : Dunphy household backyard

Phil : Excited?

Luke : Yeah.

Phil : We're like Ponce de Leun and his son. Little Ponce.

Luke : Who's that?

Phil : Famous treasure hunters.

Luke : His name was Ponce? He'd get made fun of at my school.
They'd probably call him "pants."

Phil : Ahahaha! "Pants." Or maybe, um, "fancy Ponce."

Luke : That's a good one.

Phil : All right. Let's do this. oh, hey, wow.

Luke : You okay, dad?

Phil : Yeah. Yeah, I am. Yep. Gonna take a little more than getting
trapped In a small, dark space with a wild animal to rattle your
old man. All right.


Phil : You never want your kids to see you scared. You want to be
that rock that they can grab a hold of in a stormy sea. Actually, a rock would sink, so a floating rock. Let's start over. It's windy, and you've got a lot of papers.

(Back to the scene)

Phil : Okay. Let's do this, buddy. Okay, good recon. Got the lay of
the land, so...

Luke : Aren't we going in?

Phil : Yep. We are, but won't it be fun if we did it with ski goggles
and barbecue tools?

Luke : I guess.

Phil : Yeah. Yeah, let's do that.

Luke : All right.

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