Benched (3)

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Scene : At basketball court

Jay : Luke! Luke! It's hard to guard a player if there's no player near you!

Phil : We good in the hood?

Jay : This is a uniquely frustrating group of boys.

Phil : I hear ya. Um, one thing that might help, instead of a zone, if
you switch to a simple

Jay : I got this.

Phil : Really? 'cause according to the scoreboard, The only thing
you got is 4 points. Good luck.

(cut the scene)

Scene : At beach house

Mitchell : I need to talk to you.

Cameron : I need to talk to you. Nice top.

Mitchell : Come here. You... you... Cam. Cam, you have got to
relax. I told you I wouldn't take a job...

Cameron : Take the job.

Mitchell : What?

Cameron : I want you to take the job.

Mitchell : I thought you liked having me home with Lily.

Cameron : I don't. I mean, I do. I just… I miss my time with Lily,
and I know it's selfish...

Mitchell : No, I want the job!

Cameron : You do?

Mitchell : Oh, my god, yes! I-I love Lily, but I hate baby talk.

Cameron : I wuv baby talk!

Mitchell : Oh.

Cameron : Let's go get this job.

Mitchell : Let's get this job. Okay. Oh, no. It's locked. Guys?

Cameron : Oh, my gosh. They not gonna hear us. We're trapped
out here.

Mitchell : That's… stop being so dramatic. We'll just go through
the garage.

Cameron : That's why he wants to hire you. You're good in crisis.

Mitchell : It's not opening.

Cameron : Push it again.

Mitchell : Well, I'm, I'm hearing things. But it's not...

Cameron : Push it harder.

Mitchell : That's not... maybe this one?

Cameron : I'm hearing something. What is that?

Mitchell : No. Stop touching. Stop ... This... oh, that was it.

Cameron : All right. Mitchell! Oh, my god! No!

Mitchell : Oh, my god! No, Cam! Cam. Did we do that?

Cameron : What are we gonna say? (Charlie came from behind)

Mitchell : Oh. Oh. I will take the job.

Charlie : I kind of think you have to now.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : At basketball court

Jay : Guys, you're on the same team! Time-out! Time-out. Get over here. Guys, earlier, we practiced a few set plays. Did any of them involve wrestling the ball from your own teammate?

Manny : : But you said to be aggressive.

Luke : Yeah.

Jay : Not on your own team! Wait here. (Jay goes to Phil) You got to coach. I can't take it.

Phil : You talkin' to me?

Jay : Yeah. I'm talkin' to you. You got to take over. I'm about to lose it out there.

Phil : That sounds tough, coach.

Jay : What's your problem?

Referee : Hey, coach. Tick tock.

Phil : I was dealing with the coach, you pushed me aside. I was dealing with the boys, you pushed me aside. Believe it or not, Jay,
there are some things that I am better at than you are. Bam! It's out there!

Jay : Oh, for god's sake.

Referee : Coach!

Phil : He's calling you.

Jay : Listen, I don't blame you for being angry. All right? I'm used
to taking charge. That's all. I should have let you coach from the get-go.

Phil : And?

Jay : I love you.

Phil : No, the barbecue

Jay : Oh, for god's sake. I'm sure your steaks would've been
delicious and not chewy.

Phil : Okay. I'll do it.

Jay : Thanks.

Phil : And so the student becomes the master. The once mighty...

Jay : You know what? Forget it.

Phil : No, no, no, no. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. Hey, hey, guys.
Who wants to go out like a champ?

Boys : Yeah! Yeah!

Phil : I love it! Okay, Jordie, you inbound to Luke. Manny, set a
pick on Luke's man and roll to the bucket. Luke, you know what
to do.

Luke : No, I don't.

Phil : Bounce pass to Manny.

Luke : But dad... coach... Manny hasn't taken a single shot all

Phil : Then chances are he'll be open.

Referee : Okay, guys, let's bring it out.

Phil : Hey, hey. Bring it in. Let's show these guys what kind of
team they're about to beat. Huh? "li'l dribblers" on 3. 1, 2, 3...

Boys : Li'l dribblers!

Referee : Okay, red ball. Side out. Here we go.


Phil : What's my coaching philosophy? Give a kid a bird...
Yes. ...And he becomes one of those weird dudes who walks
around with a bird on his shoulder. But give him a pair of
wings...And he can fly...
Ohh! ...Unless he has absolutely no hand- eye coordination. Okay. I support you.

(Back to the scene)

Scene : Inside the car

Alex : Hey, mom.

Claire : That was 20 minutes.

Alex : Mom. I am so, so sorry. I know it's no excuse, but I've been feeling a lot of pressure at school... You know, with friends. And I love you so much, And I appreciate everything you do for me. I'm still your little girl.

Claire : Oh, honey. That is so sweet.

Alex : Can I get $20? A bunch of us are going to a movie, And
we're gonna get something to eat afterwards. Jenna's brother's
gonna take us home.

Claire : Okay! Of course. Sweetie, you know what? Take $40.

Alex : Oh, my gosh.

Claire : Yeah! That's right.

Alex : Thanks, mom.

Claire : Go on. Have a great time. (Alex came out of the car and after a second Claire yells) Oh, Alex, honey. When you're
out shopping, you might want to pick yourself up a training bra. I
know you don't need one now, But pretty your little boobies are
gonna come in soon. Mommy loves you, kitten! Mwah! Mwah! (Mumbled) Teach her to screw with me.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : Pritchett household

Manny : Luke passed to me, I shot the ball, and I almost made it.

Gloria : Ay, I bought Lily the cutest little dress today.

Manny : And then I stole the ball from the other team, Did a 360,
and almost dunked it.

Gloria : That's nice. Ay, I just had the best day today with Lily.
That girl is so sweet.

Manny : I have a game next Saturday. You could come.

Gloria : No, it's okay. I wouldn't want to embarrass you. I'll
probably take Lily out for cupcakes. Mm-hmm.

Manny : Okay. Any suggestions?

Jay : I usually go with earrings.

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