Power projection layout (nescent)

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Therefore, in order to have that much standing in the Country or the world; it's not enough to be the richest man. You have to not only diversify your business to more & more areas and more & more industries but also have to amass political power overtly- covertly, and not just that but also take the reins of public opinion in your hands and project your power radiating throughout country or globe.

For that to happen, you have to build base/foundation or bases where majority of the aspect of the society and people living there, is under your total grip or full control. Eg. Behind the scene king of a city or a state atleast (preferably your native state); where it's ultimately you who decides who holds political power eg. Office of mayor,  District attorney, Attorney general of state, governor etc; Where majority portion of the economy is under your control let's say 60% or 70%; where people have immense respect and favorable opinion of you, your companies, your group/trusts etc; where from education to culture, from politics to economy and many more is under your direct/indirect umbrella of influence of you and/or your companies, charities, foundations etc; where you can keep state taxes low and get tax cuts as per the need or health of the economy. (Tax cuts are often politically sensitive issue and proper care must be attributed. It's like milking the cow or chicken with golden eggs, there must not be excessiveness or overreach.)

Where state or even city adminstration for that matter would willingly or under my control will clash head on or lock horns with federal or higher authorities from them, for that matter, for you.

It might not be possible in other countries or only few of the things may be possible for that matter but America is very unique and beautiful regarding this and federalism is the key in this matter.

Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided and shared between a central (national) government and regional (state or provincial) governments. Different countries have different ways of organizing their federal systems, depending on their historical, political, and constitutional contexts.

USA has a dual system of federalism, where the federal and state governments have exclusive and concurrent powers, and the states retain a significant degree of sovereignty and autonomy. Other federal countries, such as India and Germany, have a cooperative system of federalism, where the federal and state governments work together to achieve common goals, and the states have far less autonomy and far more obligations to the federal government.

You see, Federalism in the USA is the result of a web of complex historical, political process that helped shaped the division and sharing of power between the national and state governments.

Due to influence of colonial experience, early settlers developed a sense of local autonomy and self-government, as they were separated from the British authority by a vast ocean and distance. They also formed the first confederation of colonies, the New England Confederation, to deal with common threats and interests.

The first attempt to create a national government after the American Revolution was too weak and ineffective, as it gave little power and resources to the central authority and left most of the sovereignty to the states. The confederal government could not raise taxes, regulate commerce, enforce laws, or deal with the national debt, which was marked as failure of articles of confederation.

As a result, At constitution convention, compromise was reached where framers of the Constitution had to balance the interests and demands of the large and small states, the slave and free states, and the federalists and anti- federalists. And they did so by devising a system of federalism that divided and delegated powers between the national and state governments, and established a system of checks and balances.

USA has a flexible system of federalism, where the balance of power between the federal and state governments can change over time, depending on the interpretation of the Constitution by the Supreme Court and the political preferences of the people and their representatives. Other federal countries, such as Switzerland and Australia, have a rigid system of federalism, where the division of power between the federal and state governments is fixed by the Constitution and can only be changed by a formal amendment process.

The Supreme Court has played a crucial role in defining and redefining the scope and limits of federalism, through its rulings on various constitutional issues and controversies. The Court has shifted the balance of power between the national and state governments over time, depending on the political, social, and economic context of the country eg. Civil wars, Great depression, World wars, Civil rights movement, war on poverty etc.

Such a high degree of autonomy and sovereignty will be a crucial factor for the stability of the foundation and from there projection of power will be carried out to sweep as much as possible.


After the exam and some sightseeing, I alongwith my dad returned to los Angeles. Journey was fruitful and enjoyable. After coming home, I was again busied myself to various things. Similarly, day for family portrait also arrived.

Scene: Dunphy household

Claire : Oh, hey! I had a great time at the game!

Phil : Thanks.

Claire : Mwa! Why are you... crunching?

Phil : Ordinarily, I'm a rule follower, but when someone tells me I can't bring my own snacks into their stadium, that's when I get a little nuts. It's a free country, right? Let's just say it ruffles
me... ...when some goobers... tell me I have to spend half my
payday...On their hot dogs (Pointing to different snacks hidden in his clothes).

Claire : Please, just remember the family portrait. We only have
the photographer for an hour.

Phil : Okay.

Claire : Okay? And, sweetie, did you have a chance to try on the
white pants I put in your closet?

Phil : Oh, what do they look like?

Claire : Is there really a more clear way to describe white pants? Sweetie, if they don't fit you, you're gonna be the only one not wearing white, and then you're gonna stand out like "where's Waldo?"

Phil : Actually, "where's Waldo?" doesn't stand out. He's super
hard to find. That's the challenge.

Claire : This portrait is incredibly important to me.

Phil : Also, his name is just Waldo. Sorry.

Claire : I spent weeks trying to find a time that works for
everybody and finding the right photographer. So if you could just promise me that you'll cooperate, okay?

Phil : I promise.

Claire : Okay.

Phil : This is amazing that you're doing this.

Claire : Mm, thank you.

Phil : You're wonderful.

Claire : Thank you.

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