Eventful survey & popularity posters

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The one-day survey count eventually tallied up.

Many insightful suggestions and complaints were set aside for the second-floor people to read.

Meanwhile the number tally was for the first-floor people to work on. The quantifiable questions were the best for them to work on.

The percentage of Dunphy Comics likers was as high as 93%. It is quite good enough and could be made better if the company played its strategies right.

As for the release ratings, Dragonball #18 was 8/10, ThunderCats was 9.2/10, and The Cybertronian Chronicles was 9/10.

Ms. Marker was quite interested in this set of data and even I'm was now able to find out which and where I'm lacking.

As for the car and jetplane questions, they were just a fake-out contributions for the readers as I have already decided on what I'm going for.

It was still interesting for John Wick's Ford Mustang Boss car to be the choice of the people though. To have John Wick and Bumblebee in a crossover did however open up my thoughts for many possibilities.

In the end, the tallied results were quite eventfully enlightening to everyone involved.

The employees and me myself were quite fired up to see how they'd go from those numbers. Although the results were already satisfactory, a lot could still be improved upon.

Of course, after knowing the results of the foldable surveys, it was natural for the participators to know the results of their efforts.

Company and customer rapport needs developing and Dunphy Comics were spearheading their initiatives towards that goal.

However, it would be boring to just show the numbers in a blunt way so I made the perfect method to creatively convey their findings.

It is a method that employs advertisement and excited diversity through art. Although it is just a poster method but it should be enough to convey the results around.

Fortunately, the new releases of next week are already ready so a cycle of Dunphy surveys and Dunphy Survey results would be made.


Eventually, the new comic book release day arrived and the comic goers that have long been lulled by Dunphy Comics' enticing release schedule have already been lining up.

If expert estimates are correct, Dunphy Comics only need to keep up the pace for 8-10 repetitions and a comic buying habit would be established.

Anyways, that is still far off into the next months as the comic goers' attention were the new Dunphy Comic releases.

Marvel's disappointing stories and death of potential characters have been raging in the Marvel fan community but it is only a passing read for the Dunphy fan community.

Who cares about black panther's black suit when Goku is about to get a new Dragonball, the Turtles are surrounded by the Foot clan, the ThunderCats are forced to flee from destroyed Thundera, and Bumblebee is about to make contact with Earth? Maybe hardcore Marvel  fans would but others & especially Dunphy fans wouldn't.

The Dunphy Comics section is where the crowd headed for and within expectations, new, exciting, and connection to the previous narrative was being displayed.

This was Dragonball's rest week as the TMNT's issue #11 would finally resolve last last week's cliffhanger.

The customers also saw the new copies of old issues of last week's releases which would be sold out within a few days through their demand & deductive estimates. Dunphy Comics' repeated sold-out achievements were no joke after all.

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