Benched (1)

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Scene : Dunphy household

Phil : Steaks will be ready in five minutes.

Jay : You're destroying those things.

Gloria : Jay, leave him alone.

Jay : No, I'm sorry, but that cow has suffered long enough!

Phil : Fun.

Claire : wow ! Hang on! Dinner's ready in five minutes.

Manny : They are deceptively hard. A curious mix of dance and strain.

Luke : You're making it lame again.

Manny : Sorry.

Gloria : Ay, do mio, that coach!
Claire I hate that guy.

Jay : He seems to have the kids motivated.

Claire : Dad, you haven't seen him. He taunts the kids, he's

Gloria : If this was a Columbian soccer league, a long time ago one of the kids would have taken that guy out and krrr!

Jay : A coach is supposed to ride the kids hard! Phil, help me out

Phil : He's a mean man.

Jay : Oh, you're such a woman!

Phil : Come to the game, you'll see! This guy is a real mother-
scratcher. Pardon my language Gloria.

Claire : Gloria?

Phil : He better cool it, or I'm gonna introduce him to the Captain and Tennille.

Cameron : sorry we're late. I was at work.

Mitchell : Oh, he loves to say that.

Cameron : Happy barbecue.

Phil : Oh.


Cameron : Since Mitchell is between jobs... I've taken a part-time job at a greeting-card store, Which I love. Plus, with my discount, we're saving a fortune.

Mitchell : How is spending a ton of money on greeting cards
saving us a fortune?

Cameron : It's math.

Mitchell : It's really not.

Cameron : Look it up.

Mitchell : $2.95, $2.95, $4.95...

Cameron : 40% off, 40% off, 40% off....

Mitchell : $2.95, $3.95, $2.95.

(Back to the scene)

Jay : Why don't you talk to Will about hiring you. He has team of lawyers at his disposal. I think he can use you.

Mitchell : Dad, Will has asked me several times but I have turned down.

Jay : What? You are ashamed to be employed by your 6 yr old nephew? Hahaha.

Cameron : Hehehaha.

Mitchell : No. I'm not ashamed.

Jay : And you shouldn't be. Look he is smart as hell, you should be proud of him.

Mitchell : I'm proud of him, it's just I'm not looking for work right now.

Jay : Okay, I got this golf buddy of mine. Great guy. Successful. You two should talk. It could mean alternative for you.

Mitchell : Oh, thanks, dad, but I'm... I'm not really looking for
anything right now, but...

Cameron : Yeah, that's right. With me bringing home the bacon,
Mitchell doesn't have to rush into anything.

Jay : Yeah, I know you have all that greeting-card screw-you
money, But talk to the guy? He's expecting your call in the

Mitchell : Dad, I appreciate it, but in the future...

Jay : Oh, I can't stand this.

Mitchell : I am sorry, but...

Jay : No. Those steaks have been done for five minutes. I'm taking
them off the grill.

Mitchell : I'm sorry. I-I know how it feels to have him stick his
nose where it doesn't belong.

Phil : No biggie. That's just Jay being Jay. But one day I'm gonna
be a grandfather, and then everybody better hide their meat.


Scene : Pritchett-Tucker household

Cameron : Ooh, who's she?

Mitchell : I hate it when you do that.

Cameron : Who's he?

Mitchell :  It's Charlie Bingham. He's the guy that my
dad wanted me to call.

Cameron : Oh, he owns earthgear apparel? I have their ski pants.

Mitchell : Really? You don't - you don't ski.

Cameron : I have cargo pants, and I don't work at the docks.

Mitchell : God, I feel like such a slacker. I mean, Will has done so much for being so young and now he. He's opened up a few environmental foundations and conservancies.
Cameron : So, are you gonna - are you gonna call him?

Mitchell : I don't know. I mean, you know, I-I sort of promised
myself and you that I'd take a little time off and --

Cameron : And you are loving your time off.

Mitchell : Totally.


Mitchell : I am losing my mind. As much as I love Lily, Which is,
you know, more than life itself, I am… whew! Not cut out to be a
stay-at-home dad. No. But I-it's Cameron's turn. It's Cameron's
turn to be out in the world interacting with other grown-ups while I get to stay at home and plot the death of Dora the explorer. I'd like to fill her backpack with brick and throw her into candy-cane

(Back to the scene)

Mitchell : So, I don't know. Should I -- should I call him?

Cameron : I don't know. Maybe just to get your dad off your back.

Mitchell : Yeah.

Cameron : You know, I mean... I mean, because the last thing I
want for you is to take a job right now. I am loving our life.


Cameron : I am in a really dark space. Being away from my Lily is literally torture. and I can't pressure Mitchell, but I really, really, really just want him to get a job so I can go back to being a stay-at-home dad/trophy wife!

(Back to the scene)

Scene : Basketball court

Coach : Come on, ladies, move it! Goodness gracious! Turtles run
faster! Come on! Could you run any slower? I dare you to run

Gloria : You see?

Jay : He's just trying to light a fire.

Gloria : No, I light him on fire.

Alex : Why do I always have to come to these things and Will gets free pass ?

Claire : Because you love your brother and not as smart or as talented as Will. He runs a business for god sake and don't.

Alex : Why don't you make Luke come to my orchestra concerts?

Phil : Because we love your brother. Good job, Luke!

Coach : Shoot! Delgado! You're killing me, man!

Gloria : I love you, Manny, no matter what!

Coach : Come on!

(Cut the scene)

Scene : Pritchett-Tucker household

Mitchell : Okay. That's great. Okay, well, I'll let you know. All
right. All right, bye. uh, so, Charlie Bingham just invited us over to
his beach house for a little get-together.

Cameron : Oh! Uh, well, what did you say?

Mitchell : I said I'd check with you. I mean, what -- what do you

Cameron : What do you think?

Mitchell : well, I think it would be rude not to hear him out.

Cameron : Yeah.

Mitchell : I mean...

Cameron : Yeah, you're probably right.

Mitchell : Yeah. Okay. Cool. And don't worry. You know, I'm not
gonna take any job.

Cameron : You better not.

Cameron : I just miss - I just... I just miss, you know... I just... make grilled- cheese sandwiches.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : Basketball court

Coach : You're doing great, Luke, if your goal is to suck.

Claire : Phil.

Phil : I'm on it.

Jay : Wait for me.

Phil : Hey, coach?

Coach : Yeah.

Phil : Look, we appreciate your passion, But some of us are
worried that the yelling is getting counter-productive.

Coach : I got this. Come on, stupid!

Jay : No you don't "got this." What you got is a bad attitude.

Coach : Who are you?

Jay : I happen to be the stepfather of...(glancing towards Manny but seeing him sucking at game, Jay changed his mind) doesn't matter who. What you need to start doing is a little more coaching and a little less yelling. 'Cause if I hear you call one of these kids stupid again, I swear to god, I'll throw a shoe at your head.

Coach : Screw it. I don't need this. You think you can do a better
job? You coach.

Phil : Jay, you know, I was handling this.

Jay : I saw how you broke out peaches and herb.

Phil : It's the captain and...

Phil : Okay... your old coach had to live for a while.

Luke : Why? Is he sick?

Phil : Yes. He's very, very sick.

Manny : : Is he going to die?

Phil : Everyone dies, boys, let's focus on what's important. Our
next game is in one hour. We are going to go from being five
fingers to being a fist. How does that sound?

Boys : Great. Great.

Phil : I can't hear you?

Boys : Great! Great!

Phil : That's what I'm talkin' 'bout.

Jay : All right, gentlemen, I talked to the referee. I'm coaching.

Phil : Oh, really? 'cause I...

Jay : Phil, I coached football.

Phil : Jay, I actually coached basketball. I think I can get these guys...

Jay : Relax, you've already got the assistant job. Now, think you
can round us up some waters?

Phil : Yeah.

Jay : Go ahead. Gentlemen, this is what I need. I want you to hit
them, and I want you to hit them hard.


Phil : Father-in-laws are tough, Because you can't let them push
you around, and you also have to show them respect. It's like
walking a tightrope, which, by the way, I can do because I went to
trapeze school. Did Jay? I doubt it. Don't let them run over you.

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