Chapter One

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A black mercedes - 50 car is going through a silent road with medium speed...The car is driving by a 25 year old boy and beside him 26 year old boy is sitting on a passenger seat..Behind them,a three years old boy is looking at the starry sky with his curious eyes while sitting on backseat...
"Namjoon..Why did Yoongi call us so urgently?"The passenger sitting boy asked who was driving..

"I don't know Seokjin.He just called and said to come..But he was so worried I felt by his voice..." Namjoon said ..

"I hope everything is okay..." Seokjin sighed...He looked behind to see his son's doing...He smiled when he saw his son was counting star in the sky...

"Taehyung what are you doing baby?"Seokjin asked his son ..
Taehyung heard his Papa's voice and looked at him...He sat like a obedient kid which he is...

"I was seeing the stars.."Taehyung said...He was three years old but his speaking skill is good than other kids...

"Awww really...How many you count??"Seokjin said...

"Fifty seven.." Taehyung replied exactly same with his counting...

Namjoon chuckled....

"My son already knows hundred counting...Right baby??"Namjoon said while driving.... Taehyung nodded excitedly....

"You will see a little star when we will reach..."Seokjin said....

Taehyung became curious because his Papa said he would see a little star not from the sky.He began to think how the star would look...He again looked at the sky through the window...He smiled while thinking about seeing a little star in real....

Soon the Kims means Kim Namjoon,Kim Seokjin and their son Kim Taehyung arrived at their destination...They got out from the car...Seokjin hold Taehyung's hand.. Taehyung looked at the huge building in front of him..

"Which floor is he living??" Seokjin looked at Namjoon while asking ..

"Maybe 27th floor.." Namjoon said..They got inside the building and hoped on the elevator.. Taehyung is holding Seokjin's hand tightly...He doesn't like to come outside...But tonight his Papa said they had to go somewhere urgent... Taehyung is small so he doesn't understand what is urgent...He just saw his Papa's face which was same as happy face...So he followed his Papa...

The elevator door was opened by ding sound...They went to a certain apartment... Taehyung is looking here and there...Namjoon rang the bell...Soon someone with white skin opened the door... Taehyung hide behind Seokjin...He is not fond of meeting with new people ..

"Thank you for coming guys..."The door man said and gave space to them to come...

"Don't say like that Yoongi...Tell us what happened..Is everything alright??"Namjoon said .

"You know very well that I am alone handling him..Tonight he is not stopping his crying .I called the doctor and he said everything is fine...But still he isn't stopping his crying..."Yoongi said..

Yoongi is Namjoon's best friend .They are like family of each other...Yoongi live by himself without his parents...Eight months ago his parents died...In the age of 23 he is taking a big responsibility along with his life ..

"Really??Let me see him..I will try to handle him..." Seokjin said ...Yoongi called them specially Seokjin for that ...Yoongi pointed them to come inside a room...When they were busy in their conversation, Taehyung was looking at the apartment...He saw so many toys on the floor ..Many plushies were on sofa...

"Taehyung baby...Come inside .." Taehyung heard his dad's voice...He went inside the room where his parents were...

Taehyung saw his papa was holding something on his lap which was wrapping with white fluffy blanket... Taehyung took little steps towards his papa while eyes on the object which was his papa holding....

"Come baby ..See what I am holding..."Seokjin said and got close to his son ..

Taehyung's eyes suddenly sparkled..His mouth became little "O".He is looking at his Papa's lap with curious eyes...He gasped loudly and said the next thing which was really unexpected to hear from a three year old boy...

"Papa...He can be my little star..."


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To be continue~

[Hello✋AV is back with new story🙋

You maybe will think how Yoongi have brother in this age🤧

Don't forget AV is twist plotter👀

Anyway do you like this first part of the story?😭I am so excited to write it.Please comments more than as usual💜See you soon✋]

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