6 Feet Under

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Bang! Bang! Bang!

She bangs on the walls.
Kicks and screams.
Wanting to be released.

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

In and out.
Don't let her out.
Remember the last time?

Swallow. Swallow. Swallow.

Wash her away.
Down to the coffin.
6 feet under.

Pretend. Pretend. Pretend.

Ignore her persistence.
Pretend she's not there.
What we can't feel can't hurt us.

She'll be the death of me.
One day the kicks, screams, bangs will win.
One day my real feelings will open in a fit of rage and sadness and ruin me and everything I have.

Until then, I'll keep her 6 feet under.
Buried under a mass of fake emotions.

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