When We're 35

35 1 0

"If we are both single when we're 35, we'll get married."
I always kind of hoped
That we'd be single
I've always loved you
From the moment our eyes met in math class
But you thought of me just as a friend
We both had relationships through the years that never worked
We've seen everyone come and go
You've been the only constant in my life
And I've been the only constant in yours
That was until we were 28
You found someone
I was so happy
But hurt at the same time
She slowly got more attention
You spent more time with her
She was your plus one at your family vacations ever since
Not me
When we were 30
You proposed to her
I was overjoyed
I wanted the best for you and her
She's amazing
At 31
You were married
The deal was offically off
I don't think you remembered it anyway
I was asked to be one of the bridesmaids
How could I say no?
It was difficult I must admit
I had to hold the tears that welled in my eyes as you said your vows
Then the priest said
"You may now kiss the bride"
I had to look away
I felt so guilty
But I couldn't help what I felt.
I put on a show
Determined to forget all about my love for you
The wedding ended
And your honeymoon began
The time away from you did me good though
We turned 35 this year
It took time
But I've moved on
Especially now that you have a 3 year old daughter and a son on the way
And I think I've met someone equally as special as you are to me.

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