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All I have to do is make it to Friday.
I tell myself waking up on a Monday morning.
I had a math test I forgot to study for.
Just make it to Friday I tell myself.
I wake up on Tuesday
I felt better than I did yesturday.
My Spanish teacher assigns us a project that we only have one in class day to work on, it's due Friday.
Just make it to Friday I tell myself.
Wednesday isn't too bad usually
But I fell asleep in History, the teacher had to wake me up.
It was embarrassing, I saw a couple kids snickering.
Just make it to Friday I tell myself.
Thursday I woke up late.
Only had 15 minutes to get ready.
Then I had a pop quiz in Biology.
And I got my Math test back, I scored 70%.
Just make it to Friday I tell myself.
I wake up Friday, relieved it was finally here.
The day goes by smoothly, I got my project done and handed in.
Thank god the week is over.
Then I blinked.
I blinked once and it's Monday again.
Well, all I have to do is make it to Friday.
When will I not have to just make it to Friday to survive?
The cycle repeats and repeats.
No breaks
No nothing.
I keep going
Just trying to make it to Friday.

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