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It's his birthday today!
I am making cinnamon rolls for him.
It's the first time I'm trying it.
But I've always been a pretty good baker,
so I don't think I could mess this up.

I start making the dough,
I mix in milk, butter, sugar, dry yeast and let it proof for a while,
then I add in some all-purpose flour
and mix again.
It made a really wet and messy dough.
It smelled sour, probably because of the yeast.
I had to let it rise for an hour,
so I set it aside and prepped for the filling and the cream cheese glaze.
Soon, I was done with both of them.
I check on the dough at frequent intervals to see if it's rising,
but I see no change.
"Maybe it's the weather," I thought.
It was over an hour, and I had to move ahead in the process.
So I start mixing in some more flour into the dough to make it less wet?
A more firm dough, basically.
I keep adding in more flour but it only looks more grainy, like sand.
And doesn't seem to come together.
"Maybe I added less milk," I thought.
So I added in more milk.
Only then did I check the pack of flour once again.
It was rice flour!
*cries in corner because I put in so much time and effort*

I feel really sad,
I want to make the dough again because the filling and glaze are ready.
And if I didn't use them, they'd go bad.
I stand at the kitchen counter thinking what to do,
because if I made the dough now,
it would take time to rise and stuff.

He sees me lost in thought from the corner of the house.
"Hey, what's up? Something wrong?" he asks, after coming into the kitchen.
He scans the counter and realizes that I've messed up.

He hugs me from the back and says, "My love, it's okay. You thought and tried to do something special for me, right? And that's more than enough. Okay? You don't need to be disappointed."

"But who on earth could use rice flour instead of all-purpose flour? That's so dumb!"

"It's alright, mistakes happen. And see, I'm so glad that you wanted to do something for me."

I smile and look at him sadly,
but I'm not convinced that he's really okay with it.

"How about, we have some choco lava cake?" he asks, getting out a ready-to-eat cake mix from the cabinet above him.
The one that you just have to microwave for a few seconds, and you're done!

"Sure," I say, wiping my nose on his shirt.

"Come on, don't be so upset! We'll do something else and make my day special. We still have time; the day's not yet over," he says, patting me on the head.

I sigh and say, "Okay, I'll clean this mess that led to me making absolutely nothing, but a fool of myself."

"You didn't make a fool of yourself; don't say that. You can still make up," he says, putting the cakes in the oven.

I hear the ping of the microwave by the time I clean the counter,
which meant the cakes were done.

"Smell them, smell them!!" he says, and brings the cakes to my nose.

I take a long sniff, "They smell...delicious!" I say.

"Yeah, they do! So come now! Let's dig in!"

He's so excited that I can't stop myself from beaming at him.
We sit on the kitchen floor and eat our cakes,
and it truly was one of the best choco lava cakes that I'd had.

"I'm sorry, I messed up," I say, feeling bad again.
He faces me,
wipes the chocolate from the corner of my mouth, and says, "You can still make up," with a smirk.

I slap him on the back and jump into his lap,
slowly kissing his mouth,
tasting the cake once again.
"You sure know how to make up," he says.
As I feel him smile while I continue to kiss him.

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