wedded (his pov 7)

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His pov,

As she walks towards the wedding pavilion,
I break into happy sobs.
I can't wait to apply on her forehead some vermilion
To show the world that she is mine.
Because all my life, I only felt like a useless blob.

Perhaps she thinks I've only loved her in her early twenties,
But I've loved her every moment, since I laid my eyes on her.

We played in the sand when we were seven.
And when I looked into her eyes,
I thought, Am I in heaven?
She was tiny, wearing a yellow frock that had pink flowers on.
The other guys were a bully
But she took them down singlehandedly.
My strong girl!

When we were eleven,
Deep within my heart grew for her more and more affection.
It was like, we had the most perfect connection.
She hated playing with a doll.
She'd rather be playing paintball.

She had her first heartbreak when she was fourteen.
She buried her face in my chest and broke down.
Yet she could never see, that I was the one she deserved.
I wished that she cared to see me more than just a friend.

I grew a beard, my voice deep.
Eighteen years old,
With a childlike soul,
She had become more serene.
Only that, the distance between us grew too.
Perhaps she sensed my love growing for her with each day passing by.
I took the courage, and went down one knee.

"I-I-I do-don't think I'm re-ready" She stuttered.

Had I mentioned, that her first relationship broke, because 'her guy' was ashamed of her stuttering? Asshole.

I smiled at her comfortingly, "It's alright. Whenever you're ready."

"Wh-what if I'm never re-ready?"
She hadn't been able to heal from her past, so she never tried giving her heart out again.

"It's okay." I said.

"Th-thank y-you." She beamed.

Working two jobs for a living, building my small empire.
We were twenty two.
And I was still her best friend.
One day, she came to meet me during my lunch break and said, "I'm ready."

She did not stutter, and she was confident with what she said.
My eyes widened on seeing her. "Ready for...?"
Ohh, that!

"Uh, I-I hope you are n-not taken al-already?" She asked.

I chuckled, "What? No!"

"So...y-you waited? For m-me?"

"Of course, I waited."

My lips parted to say something more, but they just opened and closed.
I couldn't say anything.
Until, I felt her smooth lips press onto mine.
I couldn't believe what was happening.

Is this happening? Now? What? Wait?
Am I real?
No, no, no, is she real?
She is real! I can feel her. Fuck.

"Will you marry me? I would be honored to be your lawfully wedded wife." She said, once she released her lips from mine.

Shit!!! What just happened?
I dreamt of this moment since we were fourteen. It's finally happening. Tears swell up in my eyes.
But what just happened?
She wants to marry me?
She asked me out? And the kiss?
She'll be my wife? Our kids?
Oh my god! She'll be my wife!
And we kissed!

I drop my head down to look at my feet and break into sobs.

"Hey, you okay?" She asks, concerned.

"Are you sure you want this?"

"I've never been more sure about anything in my life."

I look up into her ocean eyes, and I can see that she really was sure of it.

"It would be my honor to wife you." I say, pulling her in for a hug.

And today, the day has come.
She's walking towards me in the most elegant red saree.
She looks like an angel from above.
My love.
I can't wait to share this journey with you by my side.

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