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I planned everything in my head that I had to say to him,
before I dialed his number.
I even practiced it a few times,
because I did not want to fuck up.

Okay, we've practiced this a few times. So, I've got this! There's nothing to worry about, I thought.

I dial his number and listen to the ringback tone.
I wait for a few seconds,
a part of me also wishes that he wouldn't answer.
And just as I was about to hang up thinking that he wouldn't answer,
he answers.

"Hey," he said.

"Um, hey," came my croaky voice, because I was trying to not sound excited,
and I was trying to keep my voice down,
just in case.

One word and his voice was all that was required for me to trip over my words,
fumble through what I'd planned to say and fuck up.

He let out a chuckle, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Sorry, I'm not very comfortable on calls."
Yeah, you aren't comfortable on calls and that is why we practiced in the first place. Idiot.

"It's okay, I get it," came his calm voice.

And I just couldn't stop myself from smiling.

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