conflict of the heart and mind

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You make me happy,
You make my heart smile.
My heart is convinced that you will keep it safe.
But my mind keeps calculating your next move,
The move that would hurt me.

With each act of love that you show,
My heart draws me towards you.
But my mind tells me to take a step back,
To not trust you completely.

Everytime you were there for me when I needed someone,
My heart says that you will be there forever.
But my mind reminds me the times when you weren't there.

Whenever you made me believe that I am good enough,
My heart tells me that he is good for me.
But my mind interrogates me,
'What would you do if things changed?'

Everytime you say something nice about me,
My heart says, 'He's the one!'
But my mind says,
'You heard someone say he's a narcissist.
What if he's the one,
To break your heart?'

Every single time he comes closer,
My heart flutters.
My mind asks me to be careful,
Reminding me all my past dark incidents.

My heart is attracted to him,
My mind analyses his every move.
The conflict between my heart and mind is never ending.
I want them to agree with each other for once,
But you know what they say,
"Sometimes it takes the heart longer to accept what the mind already knows."

Does my mind know that he's not the one for me?

I really don't know.

But I do know one thing,
Whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same.

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