Chapter 5

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“How the hell does a broken heart get back together when it’s torn apart”- ( Bluebird)  Christina Perri

Chapter 5                            

I woke up early in the morning, trying to get out of bed while being careful not to wake Lucas up. I lifted his hand from my waist which unfortunately made his grip around my waist stronger, snuggling into my neck waist from behind.

"Lucas, let go" I whispered, pushing his arms off of me but he wouldn't budge.

"Why would I do that?" he said in his morning voice. His morning voice sounds so amazing hot which sends shivers down my spine.

"Unless you want to me to piss myself aga- Ouch!" I said as I struggled to get out of his grip as soon as I said the word piss he let go of me and I fell of the bed on to the ground. I got up of the floor, turned back around to see him; with all the strength I had I pushed him off the bed and walked into the bathroom in satisfaction. Going into the bathroom I strip down my clothes and got into the shower.

After 10 minutes, I wrapped the towel round my body and walked out of the shower, started drying my hair slowly and carefully since I don't want fizzy hair. Once I finished my hair, I looked around the bathroom to find my clothes.

"Aggh can I become anymore of an idiot ?" I said as I face palmed myself. I forgot to bring clothes. I honestly forgot to bring clothes, I mean who does that. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"I guess I have to go out there." I said as I wrapped the towel tighter around my body, holding it tight with my hand so it doesn't fall. I walked over to the door and peaked through it. The room was empty, luckily Lucas wasn't there. I quickly ran out of the bathroom and locked the bedroom door before anyone could enter.

"I guess Lucas will have to wait a while" I said as I ran over to my wardrobe. Some of my bruises and scar have healed so that means I can finally show skin after so long, I had almost forgotten how it felt when the wind blows on bare skin. I pick out my mid-thigh denim shorts and a tank top with the USA flag on it.

As I got my clothes out of the closet, someone was knocking on the door. I didn't even need to see, to know who it is. Someone who also lives in this room.

"Lexi open the door" Lucas yelled from behind the door, the knocking turning into banging.

"Sorry, but I'm changing" I yelled back, drying my body.

"Even better, now let me in" he said I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Ha-ha, never in your wildest dream." I said, as I put my shorts on. I put my top on and walked towards the door, letting Lucas in.

"Took you long enough" he said. "Now leave so I can change"

"Yeah the rules I make for you don't apply to me." I said and sat on the bed.

"Hey no fair" he whined.

"Too bad" I winked.

"Fine" he said and he took his shirt off revealing abs. his 6 pack abs. I would have been mesmerized, if it was the first time I had seen them but it wasn't so it's something normal. I couldn't help but smile to myself.

"Like what you see. " he said.

"Don't I always" I replied back walking over to him, running my fingers up and down his abs before lifting my head and giving him a peck on the side of his lips. He turned his head a bit so that I kissed him fully on the lips. He put his shirt on and we walked downstairs together.

"Hey, Lucas want go and attack some packs after school?" I said, as we entered the kitchen. Attacking packs is some sort of hobby, we all do. By we I mean me, Lucas, Ryder and most, if not all of the rogue pack. Others might think of it as an attack while we think of it as weekly pack training.

"I like the way you think. How about the shadow pack?" he said, I shook my head.

"How about the blue moon pack?" I said while smiling at the thought of showing those guys no mercy, just like they did to me.

"Sur- Wait isn't that your old pack?!" he whisper-yelled, I walked up to the fridge taking a carton of juice out and drinking it directly from the carton.

"Yeah,  and?”

"Yeah but won't they know from your scent?" he asked.

"Not necessarily, I've learnt how to mask my scent, in that way, No one will be able to know who I am."

"Fine, then we will all go" he said as we both walked out of  kitchen and into the pack dining room.

"Guys who wants to go and attack the blue moon pack" I yelled across the hall, every one erupted in cheers, others saying how amazing this is. There used to be 20 rouges here but over these 2 year we have 30 more wolf's evolved in our little group, Once in a while, we all decide to go and attack other packs, and so far I have attacked 4 packs on my own and as a group we have attacked 6 packs. Don't worry we don't destroy pack-homes or territories, we just go and simply attack the wolves and show them who's boss. That rogue rule the land, their lands, their pack.

Now all I want is to see how my pack is doing without me. Most of all my mate. I'm not gonna reveal my identity to them just yet. I'll torture them first once I'm done then and only then will I reveal my true self, I will seek loads of pleasure torturing these people, I'll show them that karma can be a real bitch, they made life for me a living hell, I want to do much worst...

"When are we gonna attack?" someone asked bringing me back to reality, everyone's heads turned my way, waiting for an answer.

"Right after school." I replied "Which reminds me, we need to go or else we'll be late"

Most of the wolf's got up while some of the others got ready for work or cleaning. Me, Lucas and Ryder ran to school. And obviously I'm still the fastest out of them. We get to school with exactly 5 minutes to spare. As soon as we reached we first got to my locker and then Ryder’s taking our self-defence books out. I turned to see that Lucas had already left to get to his class.


"5....4....3....2....1" the whole class yelled and just in time too, cause the bell went off. Everyone stood up and quickly cleaned their desk, packing everything away. I threw everything in my bag. I'm so excited and scared at the same time. I push the feeling aside and run out of class.

"Hey guys, who's ready?" I say as I join up with Lucas and Ryder.

"The question is who isn't?" Ryder says.

"Fine let's go"

When we got home, everyone was all ready. I ran upstairs and changed into a full comfortable leather outfit, with my spiked bracelet. I put my normal amount, of make-up but a little darker to give off the vibe that I'm a heartless rogue. Once I satisfied myself with how I look, I walked downstairs.

"Guys, we are gonna go and attack on one condition. No one from the Blue moon pack must find out who I am, or who any of you are. Am I understood?" I said. Every one nodded, they grabbed their bags or at least the stuff they needed and we left.

The first part of mission 'make Damion regret rejecting me' is going according to plan. Hopefully nothing will ruin this. I waited two year to start commencing the plan and now I can finally start

You better watch out Damion like I said 2 years ago, I'll be back to make you regret rejecting me.


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