Chapter 22

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Okay before I start this chapter, I'm gonna tell you that you have every right in the world to be mad at me, I know how it feels to wait around for a story to be updated. So I'm extremely sorry but I couldn't find time last week to sit and write. This chapter is a really boring one, I wanted to delete it multiple times but then I was like what the heck I've already written half of it so I might as well continue and publish it, so here it is, ENJOY.

Love ya all to the moon, wait no to Pluto and back. ~Madiha

"Let's go" I say and I walked out of the gate with Ethan close behind, I slow my self down so me and Ethan are walking at the same pace, side by side. I turn to look at him, he had an expression on his face like he wants to say something but can't.

I placed my hand on his arm "Ethan? What's wrong? " He faced me and before he started talking he blew a huff.

"Who is Damion? This is the 3rd time I've heard you say his name." he said. He'll find out eventually so might as well tell him. I wanted to just say it to everyone once, but I guess since he's already found out part of it, I'll have to tell him.

He was staring at me, signalling me to carry on. "Well, he was my former bully, him and a couple others. But then the day I turned 16, I found my mate which happened to be Damion but he rejected me."

His expression went from confused to sad to angry within a matter of seconds.
"So you're saying, that you've been hurt by your own mate ." he said as he clenched his first so hard, that his knuckles were turning white. I swear if he carrys on, his vain might explode. I held his first in my tiny hands.
"Stop, or else you're gonna pop a vain." I said and started unravelling his fingers, I saw him tense at my touch but relaxed seconds later.
The anger hadn't left his eyes. He still looked like he could rip someone's head off. What to do? What to do?

'Just do anything, you're mates anything will calm him down.'Ashley said. Man I hadn't heard her voice in ages.
'Okay, thanks' I replied back to Ash before cutting off the mind link.

I stood closer to him and wrapped my arms around his torso, I felt him tense again but brushed it off as his arm made their way to my waist, pulling me closer, he kissed my forehead. I couldn't help but smile, he can be so sweet sometimes. I placed my head on his chest, and closed my eyes, listening to his heartbeat, it was beating fast but second by second it seemed to calm down and he started to relax. Once his breathing went back to normal I let him go.
"Thanks" he said.
"Any time, now let's go, I know a place around here" I said as I pull him to the direction of the place I found a year and a half a year ago. I found this place while me, Lucas and the others were on our way to the shadow Pack.


"So umm bout you and Damion. Is there anything I should know?"

"Well there's nothing for you to worry about. He's just history. I'm gonna smash him tomorrow at the tournament and then I hope... to never see him again." I said, hoping he would sense the lie in my sentence.

I mean I am gonna smash him tomorrow, but I'm not hoping to never see him again. I want to be with him yet I don't, how is it possible to feel this way. 'pick wisely and quickly for there is not enough time left for one' I don't even know how much time I have left. I don't even who's gonna die. 'Pick wisely' how am I supposed to do that if I have no clue what is being asked of me.

"Lexi?" Ethan said waking me from the thoughts I was in. "You okay?" I nodded my head and entwined my fingers with him while we sat down on the nearest bench.

"This might sound a little personal... but tell me bout your life before you came here" he said. The question I've been avoiding for the longest time has now been said to me, leaving me with no escape. What should I say? Should I tell him everything or limit it.

I looked at him, he had lend forward waiting for me to say something, his eyes practically begging me to say something. Well I'm just gonna tell him.

"Well what do you want to know?" I asked.
"Okay, well... I grew up in a, let's abusive family. Just me and my brother. But they always seemed to treat my brother better than me. They would always find something different to torture me with, I still have most of the scars left.

It had something to do them wanting a son to keep the family name going and I was just an extra that came with the bundle. They had nothing better to do with me so I turned into a punching bag, not just for my family but to the whole goddamned pack. " By this point tears were streaming down my face, I looked at Ethan his hands were clenched, more harder than last time. But his face was clearly telling me to carry on.
"So after that I turned 16, the day I was supposed to find my loving mate. But ha, he rejected me. You know how. After I was finished being insulted, he slammed me against the lockers at school, and held me by the throat. And whisper the words I'd never thought I'd ever hear." I said staring at nothing in particular, tears continuously streaming down.
"After he rejected me, I decided to leave. I left everything behind. But I'm glad I did. I don't regret leaving one bit, in fact I'm proud to say I left. Because then I found 2 friends, that I stayed with for 2 whole year and then here I am." I said wiping my tears away, while attempting to smile. Even though I might be upset, I'm not gonna show him I'm weak.

"Hey" he said as he held my hands in his " it's okay of you want to cry. I'm here, just let it all out."

I looked up at him, before placing my head on his chest and moving closer to him. Slowly more and more tears were falling, I couldn't take it no more.

"P-promise me you won't hurt me" I said, looking up at him. He hesitated for a second before smiling and nodding.

"I promise" he said, that's all it took to make me smile through my tears.

"I want to go now " I said as I wiped the remaining tears away. I stood up on my feet and dusted the dust on my jeans. Then I pulled Ethan up to his.
"Fine, someone is eager to go." he joked sarcastically as he slung his arm around my shoulder. We started walking back towards the site.

Guys hoped you liked it. What do you think? What's gonna happen next? Who's the one that will take a lexis down a path or lies and regrets? What could Ethan possibly be hiding, it can't be that bad could it? So I'll leave you guy to that. Bye

FOLLOW (I will follow back)

If there's any mistakes or any requests you want me to add into the story feel free to inbox me and I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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