Chapter 27

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Alexis's POV

I feel like I've been consumed by the darkness for the longest amount of time. Even though I know it's only been a few hours. Through the lids of my eyes I see more darkness, except the moonlight that has filled some of the place I'm in. Speaking of this place where am I? What happened? Why can't I remember anything? The last thing I remember is.... Oh yeah giving Ashley control over my body.

'Ashley! You there.' I practically yell, through my mind link to Ashley. If anyone knows what happened, it's Ashley. She needs to tell me.
'Yeah, I'm here' she responds rather tired.

'Did we win? Did you hurt him? Where am I? And Why am I here? ' I bombarded her with questions. I hear her sigh and responds witg.
"No we didn't. Technically no one won because when you passed out they stopped the tournament. And no, you didn't hurt him, he hurt you so here you are in the infirmary, laying unconscious for the past 3 hours."

I tried to open my eyes, but no luck it was like they were glued together. My body is still stiff, like I can't feel anything, but a little try won't kill me. I try to move my hands, and I was successful until I lifted my arms up, an excruciating pain rushed up my arm from my shoulder to the tip of my fingers, making my arm collapsing back on the bed. My eyes tear up from the amount of pain there was, after my arm collapsed there was a buzzing feeling and it felt numb all over again.

I can't believe Damion did that... Why did he do this? Do I really have to go through pain everything I see him? Like when we first met I had to put up with the pain of rejection, then during the time when he tried to attack me he got hit and then I felt it. And now I see him again but still have to go through the pain that he gave me again.

Little did I know that I spoke to soon. Because another wave of pain rushed through my shoulder. As soon as the pain in my shoulder calmed a bit down, another pain shot through my face like someone had just dug their claws in and scratched me. And just to finished it off 'the mysterious force' decided to bit down on my leg, mentally I was screaming but since my body was not corresponding to my brain I showed no reaction on the outside. I could hear Ashley howling in pain. If it's not mine, and it's not Ashley's then why do I feel this, sort of pain or connection...... The first name that comes to mind.... Damion.

After 10 minutes of dealing with this, every pain in my body started to cool down and my breathing slowed back down, giving me big clear breaths. Every pain in my body had left, leaving me just a half awake dead body. Why is the connection between me and Damion so strong, if we haven't even mated or marked each other?

I need to know this, why can I feel Damion's pain but not Ethan's? Why don't I have the same connection with Ethan? What happened to Damion, why did everything just fade away?

But the important question is do I want to give Damion another chance? I think I should give him another to prove himself, but not fully forgive him yet. But what if he screws up and not put me in pain this time, but just ends my life...... Ha see this is the type of nonsense I speak when I over think things.

Speaking of the devil. I feel him getting closer, I heard the door gently opening. His scent filled the room, for a few seconds as I inhaled his scent, everything I've ever seen or done was forgotten. It made me feel relaxed all over, the type of relaxation I've been yearning for years. I wish this relaxation could last forever, but sadly all was disturbed and I was brought back to reality of how much I despise this guy, when the chair next to me was scraped against the flooring of the room.

Why is he here?! I didn't ask him to be here. I don't want him here. But since I'm just a half conscious body laying here, I can't tell him that I don't want him here.

He shuffles forward and grabs my tiny hand in his large one. The sparks that flew through my body was shockingly amazing, it was way stronger than the sparks with Ethan. But I guess since Damion's my true mate, it'll be stronger.

I think he felt the tingles on his skin because he instantly removed his hand from mine.

"What the eff was that?" he whispered, really quiet but due to my wolf hearing skill I heard what he said pretty clear. Poor guy has never felt spark fly through his fingers. This made me happy and sad at the same time. It made me happy because it means that he hasn't found another mate, or ever mated someone but it also makes me sad cause it means he hasn't had that pleasant feeling when two mates touch. But then again who am I to talk. He's the one who rejected me.

I heard him take a deep breath and held my hand in his once again. I would say I feel relaxed but there's that tiny bit of hatred toward him that when I was weak and vulnerable and needed someone to stand by me , he rejected me but now that I can actually stand up and fight for myself he comes running back.

Oh well there's not much I can do to stop him at this moment. My whole body is switched off, the only things that work are my 5 senses. So I guess that the only way to get through this is to listen to what he has to say.

"I know you probably don't want hear me, but I just wanted to come here and apologies to you about everything, and talk to you about us." he said. My eyes teared when he said us. What us? There is no us? There is me and there is you. No us!


Oh my gosh, another chapter posted. You are all welcome... Ha lol just joking. But what do you think about this Dalex scene? To be honest I loved this Dalex scene even through Alex was half awake.

If you have any suggestions for the next chapter I'll be more than happy to just write it for you guys.

FOLLOW (I will follow back)

If there's any mistakes or any requests you want me to add into the story feel free to inbox me and I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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