Chapter 19 - Frost, Bowser, and...Lupa?!?!

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I only made that chapter 19 because I didn't want to get off track because I use a tactic to help me.


My body racked with sobs at the girl's word. "Lupa." She had said. My wolf. MY wolf. The one that I was told died. My very first shift. "Alpha? Alpha are you okay?" She asked. I quickly gathered myself and nodded. "That was my old wolf. Do you mind shifting for me? There's plenty of forest over there." I asked. She nodded and shifted. A sob sent me shivering. It was Lupa. Pup. Lupa said in my head. You asshole! You left me without saying goodbye! I shot back at her. I had a reason, pup. I had to. I will come back in due time, pup. When my human dies, I will return. The war will kill her. Is that what you want? She asked. Fuck you. Fuck you and all you stand for. You left me without saying goodbye. I screamed. I left because your fathe- I cut her off. I DON'T CARE ANYMORE LUPA. I. DON'T. CARE. I HATE YOU. I DESPISE YOU. You know what? I'll go die. You won't care. You never cared. If you cared, you'd be my wolf. I roared. I DO FUCKING CARE. THATS WHY I LEFT! She screamed. PROVE IT! You never showed that you cared about me. Prove you care. I challenged. I sensed a tear going down her furry face. I cannot.

I went to Narza's house. I alerted her already that I was going to get my dog and go back to my territory. I whistled and my talent for mind-linking any dog/wolf came in handy. Instantly, my black German shepherd bounded down the stairs. Bowser. Carolina's matching white one, Frost, was on Bowser's heels and they quickly ran towards me.

SHADOWWWWW  they barked in my mind

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SHADOWWWWW they barked in my mind. Chill. Jeez. Frost, Bowser, we're going home. I smiled. HOME? HOME HOME HOME! Bowser chanted.

Eventually I got home and I dropped the dogs off with Percy. I'll be back, boys. I linked the dogs. They whimpered but obeyed.

I went to the home phone to see Carolina, Zephyr, and Phoenix waiting for me. We stepped into the cave. And fell into a dream state.

"My children." Father said as he eyed each of us. "Much have you grown." Zephyr and Phoenix nodded. "I have brought you here go tell you something important," he hesitantly bowed his head. "Kanari isn't your mother." Zeus said. My eyes bulged and I felt like being sick. "The moon goddess is." Well that explains why we're so powerful. So many thoughts surged in my brain. She's my mom? The memory floated in my brain.


I watched with wide eyes as my 'mother' died and fell to the floor, lifeless. My 'father's' eyes were bloodred and he tried killing my 'mother's' murderer. Keyword: Tried. Carolina grabbed my hand and dragged me to the secret passage we had made. There were rogues killing our 'parents' in my living room. We waited for the boys to join us. But they never did.

*End of memory*

I broke down as I felt a presence join my own. Hello, pup. I have returned, and your siblings have been rejoined with their wolves, too. This time, I shall stay.

All Mine (under HEAVY editing) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now