☆°• 18

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"Yoongi!" Jimin frowned at the little who was bouncing on the couch in his blue shark onesie drinking out of his red sippie cup while watching lazy town on the TV. "Yoongi come on, you have a playdate with Jungkook and your other friend later, you need a bath."

Yoongi turned his head around while grinning and drank from his cup before looking back at the TV, ignoring Jimin.

Jimin sighed as he walked over to the TV and used the remote to turn it off.

"Yah!" Yoongi stopped bouncing with an upset face before he threw the sippy cup right at Jimin's forehead.

"Ow!" Jimin yelled as he rubbed his forehead from being hit, seeing a flash of red as he closed his eyes. He was trying so hard not to curse out loud infront of the little. "Yoongi, that was uncalled for!"

Yoongi blew a raspberry at Jimin before he started grinning and got off the couch before doing a tumble roll onto it from the side and ended up being upside-down on the couch.

"Don wan!" Yoongi replied with a cheeky gummy smile as he wiggled his legs in the air. "Hungie!"

"But you just ate breakfast." Jimin squinted as he folded his arms.

"Hungieee~!" Yoongi cried out as he thrashed his legs in the air before rolling over onto his side and started to suck on his thumb quietly.

"Bath first, and then you can have snacks." Jimin unfolded his arms before walking over and picking the little up off the couch in a bridal hold.

Yoongi started to screech and whine as he kicked his legs and wriggled in Jimin's hold.

"No point in trying to figh- YOONGI!" Jimin yelled as Yoongi was pushing at his face with his hands, trying to force Jimin's head back. "Yoongi! Quit it!"

Jimin managed to carry Yoongi into the bathroom while trying to avoid dropping the little and set him down.

"There!" Jimin breathed out before turning around and closing the bathroom door before locking it. Jimin heard a big splash behind him and his eyes widened as he quickly turned his head around. "YOONGI!"

Yoongi looked up at him with a goofy smile as he sat in the water filled bathtub fully in his onesie.

"Yoonie shawk!" He cried out. "Wawr! Rawrr!" He shook his head with his teeth on show as he held up his hands like claws.

Jimin covered over his face as he deeply sighed while lowering his head down, but he couldn't help but start chuckling from how cute that was.


"Yoongi... your friends are going to be here soon... what on earth are you doing?" Jimin spoke as he folded his arms, looking down at Yoongi who was laying spread eagle on the floor in the middle of the rug infront of the TV only in his yellow super mario tshirt and red briefs while drinking his sippy cup.

Yoongi decided to try and make a rug angel as he moved his arms and legs. "Noh pansu!"

"Where on earth did you put your shorts?" Jimin looked around the room with a puzzled look. Yoongi just shook his head before the TV caught his attention and he giggled at the cat and mouse cartoon.

"Yoongi. You're gonna make me cry in six different languages if you don't get up and find your pan-"

*intercom bell sound~*

"Oy vey!" Jimin groaned loudly as he quickly ran over to the intercom on the wall and pressed the speaker button. "Hello?"

"Ah! Hey Jimin! We're here!" Taehyung's husky voice came through the speaker. "And we just caught up with Jihoon and his carer too! Beam us up Jimmy!" He chuckled.

Jimin pressed the button to buzz them through then whipped his head around to look at Yoongi.

"Yoongi! There's no time for dilly dally! Get your pants on!" Jimin quickly rushed into Yoongi's room to check first, to which he found the little's khaki cargo shorts discarded messily on the bedroom floor. "Aha!" Jimin quickly swiped them up and ran out the room.

Jimin walked over to Yoongi before he squinted down at the little who was frowning up at him.

"Now Yoongi..." Jimin held up his hand as he spoke calmly. "We're not about to battle this out... if you just come quietly-"

"Nao!" Yoongi yelled as he scrunched up his face and tried to kick at Jimin's leg, which the carer avoided.

"Guess it's the hard way, huh?" Jimin sighed before physically preparing himself. "Get these dang pants on!" Jimin kneeled down and started to hold Yoongi's legs as he tried to fit the shorts on the little quickly.

"Naaooo~!" Yoongi cried loudly as he tried to fight off Jimin for his right of no pants freedom.

Jimin faced an onslaught of kicks and hits from the thrashing little until he heard the doorbell ring and they both froze in mid-tussle. Jimin quickly looked at Yoongi from the corner of his eye before finding the opportunity to quickly pull up Yoongi's shorts and button it securely, to which the little whined angrily in defeat.

"Coming!" Jimin called out before looking at Yoongi who looked tired out from the thrashing around. "Keep your pants on!" He whispered loudly as he got up, pointing at Yoongi who gave him a cheeky smile.

Jimin walked over to the mirror to inspect the red mark on his forehead from earlier. "Jeez. Not today." He sighed before finger combing his hair forwards to cover over his forehead and fixed up himself before taking a deep breath and-

"Heeeey!" Jimin opened the door, greeting Taehyung and the others with a smile.

"Hi Jimin~" Taehyung smiled as he held onto Jungkook's hand as the shy little held onto his arm as he sucked on his orange paci. Jungkook gave Jimin a slight wave before holding onto Taehyung's hand again. "Oh. And this is Lee Jihoon and his carer Kwon Soon-young from daycare!" He pointed to the other two behind him.

"Hi! Just call me Hoshi for short. My name's kinda a mouthful." The blonde haired guy smiled before he looked down at his black haired moody looking little. "And this is my baby boy, Jihoon." He ruffled the shorter one's hair as the male pouted while looking down at the floor.

"I wan play wif Yoonie." Jihoon spoke up with a mumble as he shyly looked at the floor.

"I know. I know." Hoshi chuckled as he petted Jihoon's hair. Taehyung got distracted, squinting as his eyes caught sight of Yoongi in the background behind Jimin before he started to laugh.

"Eh? What's so funny?" Jimin looked puzzled as Taehyung laughed and Jungkook stared wide eyed.

Hoshi bursts out laughing and Jihoon covers over his mouth to muffle his giggles.

Jimin turned around to see what had caught their attention and he should've known what the source was. "Oh for heaven's sake Yoongi!"

"Noh pansu!" Yoongi chimed with a big smile as he danced excitedly in his briefs again.


Short chapter cause I need to recharge my uwu feels~
I was at an anime con this weekend. 👌🏽
I'm so dang tired. So much partying ahh~ 💫👑🎉

*recharging my uwu gun*I'll be back

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*recharging my uwu gun*
I'll be back...

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