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Jimin was sadder the next day. All he wanted to know if Binji was ok. "I need to leave". Jimin was going to the door but a knock scared him. "Go away!". Jimin shouted. "Jimin, it's me". Jimin knew that voice and opened the door with the quickness. "Hyung!".

Jin caught the small boy and laughs. "Hey Jimin, how are you?". Jin asked looking at Jimin. "Hyung, get me out of here, this King is crazy". Jimin said. Jin would have helped Jimin but he likes seeing this new Yoongi.

"I'm sorry Jimin but I can't". Jin looked everywhere but in Jimin's eyes. "Why?". Jimin thought they were friends. "Why can't you help me?!?". Jimin yelled.

Jin looks at Jimin with sorrow. "I just can't Jimin, I'm sorry". Jin said. "You can't or you won't?!?". Jimin shouted. "I really can't Jimin". Jin says putting his head down. "Get out". Jin looks up and saw Jimin looking at him with hate. "Jim...". "GET OUT!". Jimin says shoving Jin out the room. When Jimin slammed the door in Jin's face, he starts crying again. "I just want to go home".

"Hello? Yo, you in there? You fucker! You own me money! Open this damn door!". Jimin's eyes shot open when he heard kicks at the door. "When did I go to sleep?". Jimin rubs his eyes and glared at the door. "Yoongi, I will burn this fucking door down!". Jimin smiled at the voice and ran to open the door. "Giu!". Jimin hugged Giu tightly with tears in his eyes.

Giu's heart shattered when he saw Jimin come out the room. "Jimin, what the hell? Why are you here?". Giu asked. "He kidnapped me again Giu and he...". Jimin starts to cry again. Giu pulled Jimin in his chest. "What the hell did he do to you?". Giu was willing to break the alliance that his family has with Yoongi if he touched Jimin. "H-he sh-shot Bi-Binji". Jimin hiccupped.

All Giu can do was hugged Jimin closer to him. "I'm so sorry Jimin". Giu says rubbing Jimin's back softly. "I don't even know if he's ok or not". Jimin says still crying in Giu's chest. "I'm sure he is, I'll check for you, would you like that?". Giu asked and Jimin looked at him smiling. "Would you?". Jimin asked. "Anything for you Jimin". Giu grins. Jimin leaps on Giu.

"Thank you Giuie!". Jimin was giggling and smiling at the same time. "God you're cute and your welcome". Giu shook his head. Jimin giggles. "So he didn't do anything to you right?". Giu asked concerned. Jimin shook his head. "All he did was apologize over and over again, like I would accept that". Jimin huffed. Giu mouth fell open. "Back up, Yoongi apologized?". Giu asked. "Yeah".

Giu had to rub his ears, earning a questionable look from Jimin. "What's wrong with you?". Jimin asked. "You said that Yoongi, THE Yoongi apologized to you, did I hear that right?". Giu said staring at Jimin. "I already told you that Giu, is it that hard to believe?". Jimin chuckled. "Yes". Giu replied.

"What?". Jimin said stunned. "Jimin, I worked for this family for years and not ONCE did Yoongi apologize for ANYTHING, even for the things he do wrong and trust me he did ALOT of wrongful things in his life". Giu said. Jimin just tilted his head at him.

"Jimin, I think he likes you".

The King's toy (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now