CHAPTER 5: I Have A Time Limit

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It has been a little over a week since I came back from my business trip early and found out that Kailey was in an accident.

After what I was told between the doctor's theories in what happened and both my brother's and his friends story, I can't help but feel like something is wrong and something doesn't seem to add up.

While I'm trying to figure that all out, I at the same time, have my Alpha duties and trying to help Kailey remember me. Remember us.

It's frustrating more because I can't give her hints or rush things amd cause her more damage or worse, her having to lose her memory all together and risk losing her as a mate. And until she remembers or feels comfortable with me like before, I decided to sleep on the couch in my office.

One of the worst parts of this was the fact that as a result of her memory loss, the mark I had given her, it has faded by a lot and if I ever have ANY kind of chance in her ever remembering me, I have to make sure that it never fades entirely.

Today I was in my office going over a few emails that some Alpha's were sending me to go over for a few businesses they wanted to become partners with us for when my Beta, Bilson comes walking in and asking how everything's going.

"Hey Alpha!" He says while closing the door behind him and sitting across the desk from me, propping his feet up on the desk.

"Get your feet off my desk." I tell him.

"Wow, it's somebody's time of the month." He jokes.

"Shut up. I'm really busy." I tell him.

"Yeah, sure." He rolls his eyes.

"If you're gonna annoy me then you can leave." I snap at him.

"Woah! Chill man." He says as he sits up in the chair.

"Sorry. You know how things have been around here." I point out to him.

"Yeah, I know. But don't worry. She's your mate. She will remember." He tells me.

"I hope so. I really hope too that she'll remember what happened to her also if I don't find out sooner." I mumble the last part.

"I thought you found out." He says confused.

"Yeah well, I have this feeling that someone's not being honest." I tell him.

"Have you asked your step brother already again?" He asks.

"Come on man. Don't start with me with that bullshit. Not right now." I tell him.

"Just saying." He says while standing up and walks out.

I know he doesn't like my step brother Flynch, well, nobody does but I don't feel he would ever lie to me. I do truly believe that what he told me was true. Plus, he knows what's going to happen if I ever found out he betrayed me or lied to me over anything that's especially as big as this.

When I was finished doing things in the office and returned from a meeting with the council in giving them an update of what has happened amd they had infirmed me of something that made my heart break.

I returned home and noticed nobody was around or awake at least and then I saw Bilson come walking up to me.

"So what the Elder say?" Bilson asked me.

I pour myself a drink real quick and shoot it back all in one shot before answering.

"He told me that with what's happening with my situation and Kailey, that if Kailey's mark that I gave her, if it fades completely before she remembers me and I remark her, if I don't do it by the night of the Full Moon Ball, then we no longer will be mates and I would lose her forever." I struggle with the last part while fighting back tears.

"Oh shit." He says.

"Yeah so..." I tell him while I pour another glass of brandy and shoot it back again.

"Wait, the ball is in five more months." He says.

"I know. That's why I'm worried." I confess. "I already have so much to do and I'm so fucking scared right now. I mean, I can't lose her. I'm nothing without her." I tell him.

"I know. Don't worry though. I doubt the Moon Goddess would allow that to happen." He tries to assure me. "Have you tried talking with her?"

"Yeah, but she said she had to get back to me because she was busy at the moment." I tell him.

He nods his head and next we hear a creak coming from the stairs and I right away smell Kailey's scent. He then leaves while I put away the brandy and I see her walk around the corner into here.

"Hey." I greet her.

"Hi." She smiles.

She smiles at me with that beautiful smile that drives me crazy but it's not for me anymore.

It's getting really hard because to love someone who you know used to love you yet they can't remember you, it's like you're both strangers again and the other's wolf can't feel the pull.

Then now because I recently found out that I only have until the ball to make her remember, I feel worried more than ever.

I not only have to talk with the Moon Goddess but also ask the doctor if there is a way, a SAFE way to help speed up the process more.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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