CHAPTER 17: I Hope So

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"Is he gonna be okay doc? That's all I want to know." I hear my beautiful mate whisper.

"I'm not sure. The gashes he received were really deep and it's been almost a week now and he should have made more progress in his healing." I hear the doctor say.

It's weird cause as I hear them whispering, I also am not able to open up my eyes neither.  Oh god, am I dead? I begin to think.

"Is he gonna die or what? Or do you even know doc?" I hear her ask him.

As they continue talking, I try to force my eyes open but they don't budge and then I try to speak but can't. What in the world is going on with me?

"Please, all we can do is wait. I wish there was something else I could do but there isn't." The doctor tells her.

"What about Miriam? She helped me remember. There has to be something for fast healing right?" I hear my mate's broken voice from crying say.

"I'm Sorry. I'll check on him tomorrow. In the meantime, you too too need to get some rest." He tells her.

"Thanks." She says disappointed and upset.

I next hear the door close and then hear her sit down close by and start to cry really hard.

"Don't cry." I try and tell her but my lips don't move and I can't mind link her.

"I promise that I will stay with you until you wake up." I hear her say as I feel her take my hand in hers and I'm trying to squeeze it but my hands aren't able to move.

I need to wake up from whatever this is. Rather it's a dream, the place before you die, or whatever, I plan to get up and assure her I'm okay and that I can hear her and soon I'll be up and out of this bed.

There suddenly is a light knock on the door and as it opens I hear Bison.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey." I hear Kailey say while sniffling.

"Still not up?" He asks.

"No." She replies.

"The doc told me about what's going on and how we have to wait." He says.

"Yeah. It's bullshit. I mean, he should be up by now. Right?" She asks him.

"He'll wake up. He's stronger than you think. Besides, you both have something to look forward to. Well, a couple things." He says.

"I know. I can't believe though that this is happening and I can't tell him the best news I could ever give him. I don't want to think the worst and hope that the worst has already happened but, I'm scared." I hear start to cry a little more.

"It's alright. It's gonna be okay. And hey, I bet you anything when he wakes up, he'll grow some balls and finally ask you to marry him. Then you can tell him what else he has to look forward to." I hear Bison tell her.

Does he mean what I'm thinking he does? Is she pregnant? I'm gonna be a dad?

"I know that you guys will always be there for us but, I can't do this without him." She starts to cry.

"You won't." He tries to reassure her in which I'm glad he is but also at the same time, I wish he wouldn't sound too promising to her because we don't of rather or not I will come to from again, whatever this is. I sure as hell have no clue or idea.

I hear him leave, closing the door behind him and still Kailey remains beside me holding my hand.

Then I suddenly feel myself go into a deep sleep.

When I awake this time, I find myself able to slowly open my eyelids a little bit and as I take a look around, I start to notice that I am still hooked up to IV's and machines, along with still having a few bandages around my torso and chest. Then I look over beside me and notice Kailey, sleeping on a chair while using her hand and arm as a pillow and with her legs over the arm of the chair.

She looks so beautiful. Damn how I have missed seeing that beautiful face.

I slowly start to sit up and wince from the little amount of pain I feel on my torso but still isn't nearly as bad as that night.

I try and be quiet but I notice then out the corner of my eye, Kailey starting to squirm a little and then I notice her slowly open her eyes and I smiled at her and she did the same before closing her eyes again then quickly abruptly sitting up in the chair, rubbing her eyes and looking at me before standing and sprinting to my side.

"Oh my god. Are you really awake?" She asks.

"Yes." I smile at her to prove it to her that I am as well as myself, I raise my hand to the side of her face and start to gently rub my thumb on her as I look into her eyes.

She closes her eyes and smiles as she lays her head more into my hand before taking it into hers.

"I was so scared." She says.

"I know. I was too." I tell her.

"Well, we have to get the doctor or Bison at least, everyone has to know." She says.

"Not yet. I want it to be just you and me tonight." I tell her.

She smiles then nods her head in agreement.

"Okay." She says.

I next have her lay in bed beside me with her in my arms and her arms around me.

"I'm sorry about everything." I begin.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Although I am sorry you lost your stepbrother." She says.

"It's okay." I tell her. "Things will be a lot better now." I try and assure her.

"I hope so." She says.

Next chapter will be posted! :)

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