CHAPTER 8: I Need Answers!!

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I know he's an Alpha and is supposed to be that scary but yet at the same time, it's still scary to hear him snap like that. What if he did that with me? What if he did worse?

I stop thinking about all of that once I see him looking at me with his face softened now and with a look of guilt on his face.

"I'm sorry if I scared you I just, I don't like Bison talking about my stepbrother in a certain way." He states.

"It's okay." I tell him. 

"Sorry about our date having to end with all that." He says.

"It's alright. I still had a great time. Thank you for tonight." I smile at him.

"Would you wanna....would you want to go out with me again tomorrow?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'd like that." I smile at him.

"Good. Me too." He says.

"Uh, I'm feeling a little tired now but, I'll see you in the morning?"

"Of course." He smiles.

I stand there for a moment to see of he will give me a kiss goodnight but looks like he won't. So I sadly start heading towards the stairs and head into my bedroom.

When I close the door I just lean back against the door.

Why didn't he kiss me? Does he not want to seem like he's moving too fast or something? Maybe....I stop myself from thinking anything else after getting interrupted from hearing a knock on my door.

I turn to open it up and I see that it's Nolan.
Before I can say anything, he grabs my face and pulls me closer to him and kisses me. It'a long and passionate. I start to put my hands on the back of his nape and and I start to kiss him back.

I love this. I love the way he makes me feel. The sparks that he sends through my body, the way he's kissing me right now and his tongue moving in sync with mine. I want him. I need him.

He next picks me up as our kiss deepens and carries me over towards my bed after kicking the door closed with his foot and continuing to kiss me. Am I ready for what's going to happen next?

We breaks our kiss to catch our breaths while he lays on top of me.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't resist anymore." He says to me.

"It's okay. I didn't want to wait anymore either. I can't explain it but, I feel so amazing with you." I tell him while gently caressing the side of his face with my hand.

He presses his forehead against mine.

"Please remember.." I hear him say in a pleading voice.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

He pulls back a little like he didn't mean to say it.

"Sorry. I uh....I should to go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow." He says and then leaves and shuts the door behind him before I get a chance to say anything.

Did I do something wrong? Was I terrible kisser? Maybe I shouldn't have said anything about how I felt. Too soon probably. This was after all our first date. Shit! I fucked things up.

I lay down and eventually fall asleep.

"We have to figure something out before she starts to remember." I hear a male voice say that sounds like the one from my dream the other night.

I still can't open my eyes and see who it is that's talking but I know it's me they are talking about.

"Yeah well, Alpha will be back soon and we need to think of a plan to make sure never remembers cause if he found out, he will kill us both after torturing us first." The guy said.

"I know." I heard another male voice who did happen to sound familiar but am not exactly sure in who it was.

While thinking about it, I can't seem to open my eyes still and then I hear a soft gentle sweet female's voice come from within my head?

"Don't worry. I will be there soon. Stay strong and together we will fix this." The female voice says.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I am your wolf, Amelia." She states.

Then suddenly I am able to open my eyes and as I sit straight up in bed I look around and notice it was all a dream. Although it seemed more like it was real. Was it a dream? A memory? What was it? I needed answers and tomorrow, I'm gonna find someone who can help me. But who would I go to? The pack doctor or maybe a witch or someone that interprets dreams.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Remember Me, LunaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt