CHAPTER 9: I Am Worried.....

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It seems to be getting harder even more everyday. I have many moments where I want to tell her that we are mates and that she got a concussion and is why she can't remember anything.

Today after waking up, I went off for my morning run and when I returned I had heard the pack doctor and Kailey talking.

It sounded like it was coming from the office and I stepped closer towards the closed door, I started leaning my ear closer to hear them.

"I only advised him to be careful because it could effect you negatively in the long run. However, since I would have probably done what you are wanting to do now, I guess the only option I have is for you to see my good friend, Miriam. She is a witch but one of her many talents is making someone remember certain things." I hear the doctor tell her.

"Where can I find her?" I hear Kailey ask.

"Before I tell you, I have to warn you, as will she, that having this done can have consequences, sometimes fatal." I him tell her.

That was it. There was no way I was gonna risk losing her forever so that she could get a quick fix and quick dose of memory. It's too risky. So I interrupted them by opening the door and storming inside.

"No!" I shout loudly as I walk in.

They both stand up from the sofa and loom at me in shock.

"Nolan, please." Kailey starts to tell me.

"No!" I tell her before looking at the doctor. "You told me that she could lose her memory for good and that is something I do NOT want. Especially when her mark is fading more and more everyday." I tell him as I fight back some tears.

"This is my decision Nolan!" Kailey says. "There's already a chance I could never remember us and if this does work, think of how great it would be and feel to have me back as me. And I would remember who I am." She begins to explain.

"But I can't lose you. I can't risk it." I tell her.

"Please Nolan. Let me do this." She starts to tear up a little bit.

I next start to feel tears escape from my eyes and then I look away and shake my head in disapproval.

"I'm sorry but, I can't watch you disappear forever." I cry a little as I tell her.

I next glare at the doctor.

"Nolan, please listen to me..." The doctor starts to try and explain.

"Sorry Doc but, I can't." I tell him and then just walk out, slamming the door behind me and running out into the woods.

I can't do that. I have been trying to be patient this whole time and was willing to wait a little linger for her to try and get her memory back the 'safe' way the doctor had told me in the beginning and now he is saying something else?! I am in so much pain and time is running out.

She can go to that witch or whatever but I can't wait to hear that something went wrong and then I lost the only chance and only hope I had left to hold onto of her returning to me.

I end up staying out past dark and as I make my way back home, I start thinking as well as listen to my wolf about how we should support her. Just in case this does work. Plus, the doctor would never suggest it if he didn't believe it could work.

So as soon as I made it back into the house, I was greeted with a worried Bison.

"Alpha, where have you been?! I've been trying to get a hold of you through mind link but you turned it off." He says.

"I was out! And yeah, sorry, I needed time to think." I tell him.

"Oh. Is it about Kailey seeing that witch?" He asks.

"Yeah....wait a minute, did she tell you?" I asked.

"Well I kinda overheard you. We all did earlier." He laughs.

"Shit! Well, I need to talk to her." I tell him while heading towards the stairs.

"Uh, Alpha, she's not here. She left a couple hours ago to find that witch." He says.

"What?! She left by herself?! You let her leave?!" I asked upset.

"Hell no! She said her and the doctor were going." He says.

"Oh my god. We have to go and find them." I tell him.

We heard a knock on the door and as soon as one of the pack members answered it, we right away saw it was the doctor.

"Sorry to come so late Alpha but I forgot to give Kailey her refill earlier." He says.

"What are you doing here, I thought you took Kailey to see your witch friend?" I asked confused.

"No. She told me you were taking her." He says.

"FUCK!!" She knows better than to leave anywhere by herself. "Alright, Doc, you need to take us to your friends house now." I tell him and Bison comes along with us as the doctor takes us in his car.

"Don't worry, she's in good hands. This will work. My friend is very good at what she does." He assures me.

"Just, don't talk about it and get me there please Doc." I tell him as I can do nothing BUT to worry.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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