CHAPTER 7: Find Him!!

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The doctor told me today that I could try and help Kailey try remembering me but to do it slowly. Then after I asked him if I could try and take her out tonight, he said that would be fine.

So after I finished up with a few things, I got ready and we started heading off to dinner first then afterwards, I took her to our favorite place in the woods that was just a few miles from the house.

It was a private place we found together during one of our runs and claimed it as our secret place. Where you can hear the quiet sounds of the water from the creek moving down off the rocks below and the gentle breeze you feel along with the kiss of the moonlight cascading down on this spot.

I was hoping this would help at least a little bit in helping her remember.

So we walk hand in hand as I hold onto a blanket with my other hand until we get to the spot by a big tree that's right beside the creek. There I lay down the blanket and then have us sit down.

Even though I know I need to keep things moving slow, at the same time it hurts a little as we sit here and it's almost like our first date. We are sitting next to each other but, it's not the same as having her sitting on my lap and kissing as we look out at the moonlight bouncing off the calming stream.

"The moon tonight is really bright." She says.

"Yeah." I reply.

We both share a couple moments together before any one of us says anything.

"Can I ask you something?" I hear her ask.

"Anything." I tell her.

"Why did you ask me out tonight?" She asks me.

"Because I wanted to get to know you more and..." I stopped myself so I was careful as to what I said next. Then before I am able to say anything else I am interrupted by Bison telling me through mind link that some rogues were spotted trespassing and were headed towards her and I.

I tried not to panic but at the same time, I needed to get her out of here quickly because she has half her mark, she has the scent that a female wolf does when they aren't.

So I stand up and already I begin to sniff the air as I can start to smell the rogues and can hear them running through the woods. They're getting closer it sounds like.

"What is it?" I hear her ask.

"We have to get going. There are rogues nearby. I have to get you out of here." I begin to tell her while holding out my hand to help her stand.

She places her hand in mine and as soon as she stands, I grab the blanket and we start quickly making it towards the car and then as soon as we get back home and walk inside, I see Bilson and Flynch getting into a huge fist fight.

"What the hell is going on?!" I growl while walking up to them and pulling them apart.

"Fucking tell them you asshole!" Bison yells out at Flynch.

"There's nothing to tell motherfucker!" Flynch spits back at him.

"Somebody tell me what the fuck is going on?!" I yell at them both even louder.

"I overheard this son-of-a-bitch here talking to Luis about the so called 'accident' Kailey had and how they planned to take care of her." He states.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask him.

"Tell him! Tell him before I do!" Bison yells at him.

Nolan looks at Flynch confused.

"What is he talking about?" Nolan asks Flynch.

Flynch is trying to keep calm as is Bison but both are still glaring at one another as though if I wasn't between them both, they would kill each other.

"It's no big deal. You already know what happened." Flynch starts.

He then looks at Kailey and then closes his eyes before saying anything.

"Spit it out Flynch!" I snap at him.

"The day Kailey had her accident. She was running from Luis." He begins.

"What do you mean? Why?" I ask him.

"I'm not exactly sure. But I'm assuming something happened and she started running then I heard a scream and quickly ran towards the backyard and then the next thing I saw was her laying unconscious." He says.

"Where's Luis." I seethed through clenched teeth.

"I don't know. He ran off." Flynch says.

"Find him and bring him to me." I tell him.

"I'm not getting in the middle of this. She's your mate and if you have a problem with him then YOU go find him." Flynch talks back to me.

"What was that?" I was taken back to be honest. He has never talked back to me.

"You heard me. I'm not your fucking slave and Luis is my friend. So you go find him." He states and then leaves out the back.

"Please Alpha let me go and take care of him." I hear Bison plead beside me.

"No. Right now I need for you to help find Luis and to tell the others. Then when you find Luis, bring him to me." I order him.

"But Alpha, your stepbrother, he's part of this and..." Bison started again trying to accuse my step brother.

"NOT NOW! DO AS YOU'RE TOLD!" I snapped at him.

He looked at me pissed off and yet, knew his place as my Beta. So he bowed his head and then left.

I took in a few deep breaths before turning around to see a scared Kailey.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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