Chapter 7 - Night School

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"Lock it, lock it!" Scott rushes out, the three of us looking around at the door trying to figure out how to lock it.

"Do I look like I have a key?" Stiles quips, flicking his hand out in front of him to elaborate his words.

Scott groans and tries a different tactic "Grab something!"

Looking around the hallway, and finding absolutely nothing to help, I turn back to Scott raising my arms out to my sides "Like what exactly?"


Stiles huffs and stands up, looking out the window on the door. From the change in his demeanor Scott stands up to look as well muttering "No" when he sees whatever Stiles sees outside.

"Yes" Stiles states as he turns around and gently shoves the flashlight in my arms. I raise up onto my tiptoes and glance over his shoulder to look out the window at what he's spotted– the bolt cutters he dropped at the bottom of the stairs.

"Stiles, no don't!" I whisper shriek, however it's no use– he's already opening and out the door before I even finish my sentence, effectively closing the door in our faces.

He goes down the steps way too slowly for my liking before he's bending and grabbing the cutters. I jump out of my skin when Scott gasps next to me, whispering quickly "Come back, come back"

"What do you see it?" I murmur quietly, frantically moving my eyes around the darkness outside.

"Yea jeep, it's by the jeep–" Scott answers, my eyes following his words to see the red eyes and dark outline of the alpha near the back of the jeep.

"Run! Stiles– run!" We shout, both of us hitting the window trying to gain his attention and let him know he needs to hurry his ass back inside.

Stiles turns to us and then his attention is back behind him, all three of us watching as the alpha starts to run towards him.

Stiles clammers up the steps as we open the door and he rushes back inside, the doors quickly slamming shut once he's in the safe zone.

He puts each handle of the bolt cutters through either side of the door handles creating a blockade of sorts.

We all stand up, the boys occupying the windows as I try to peer over the shoulder of Stiles to get a look– though I don't see the glowing red eyes I would expect to be pushed up against the window looking at us right now, with how fast he was running towards the doors a second ago.

We're all panting like we ran a marathon when Scott grabs my attention from the window "Where is it? Where did it go?"

Stiles grabs the flashlight from my hands and shines it out the window as I take a step back they got the lookout thing down

We all take multiple steps back from the doors when they catch up to where I'm standing, I turn to Stiles with my assumption "That won't hold, will it?"

He looks at me with a grim expression, swallowing hard "Probably not."

Scott exhales at the news and we all turn to look down the very dark and abandoned hallway of the school can I be anywhere BUT here please

I jerk back when we hear a distant howling, because it doesn't sound like it's coming from outside– no, no it sounds like it's coming from deep within the school halls seriously

We take off running, hands pushing against my lower back to guide me through the hallway and into a classroom.

"The desk" Stiles and Scott run up to either end of the teacher's desk, both trying to move it over to the door however it's making entirely too noise plus that desk blockade won't stop a strong as alpha

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