Chapter 95 - Riders on the Storm

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Stiles POV

As I have for countless minutes and hours since I've been here, I walk over to the bulletin board hanging on the wall in this god forsaken waiting area. My eyes move over the cities on the list, looking over the arrival times and noticing Beacon Hills no longer says Delayed– instead it reads On Time.

My attention is drawn to the ground though as a gust of wind blows some leaves littering the floor around my feet.

Narrowing my eyes when I see a train ticket slide out from under the door in front of me, I bend forward to pick it up.

An echo of "Stiles" has my movements stalling as the wind is knocked out of me. I haven't heard her voice in what seems like forever and I quickly stand up straight, moving my eyes around me trying to find her.

"Stiles... Stiles" I hear her again, each time more urgent than the last. No way was she taken, I may want to see her more than I need anything else at the moment but I don't want her stuck in this nightmare "Adds?"

I move towards the crowd of people sitting down, however the beeping of the PA system blares loudly before a voice chimes over the line "Attention all passengers– the train will be arriving in twenty five minutes."

The rows and rows of people who were sitting on the benches all stand up and move in a massive crowd towards where I'm trying to push my way through "Addy!"

"Stiles?" I hear her again, her voice giving me energy to continue to push through the crowd that is unrelenting in letting me easily get by "Addy!"

"Stiles? Stiles, look at me."

Look at you? Where the hell are you? Addy has a brightness to her, a light that always seems to surround her– so she should be like a beacon in this dark and dreary world I've been living in for who knows how long.

I search the crowd, pushing my way through as best I can looking for her blonde hair and her bright blue eyes that make me feel alive "Adds, wait!"


A series of gunshots erupt from the other side of the crowd, it wasn't the same sound the Riders' gunshots make though and my eyes quickly scan the crowd fro the source.

When I notice an arm raised in the air holding a gun above the top of the crowd, my eyes widen as I take in whose face I see next to the raised arm "Give the boy some room."

"Dad? Dad!" I rush forward, dad instantly wrapping his arms around me when our chests crash together, my arms encircling his back as well as I choke out "Oh thank god."

"Oh, I found you– I can't believe I found you." he mumbles, more to himself I'm sure than to me– however it doesn't stop the smile from forming on my lips.

I let out an unbelievable breath that he's here, he knows who I am and he's fucking here, standing in front of me.

Slapping him on the back of his shoulder, I pull back from him "Dad, I can hear Addy. I think– I think I can go to her... I think she can get us out of here."

Dad smiles, so much emotion shining in his eyes as he nods once "You bet your ass she can get you out of here– that girl... she's something else– she made me remember everything. She never gave up on you, kid."

Well if I wasn't already head over heels in love with her, I think my heart might just explode from the feeling his words just produced. Yeah, I need to find her– like now.

We hear the approaching gallops of the Riders and their horses, dad raises his gun ready for a fight and points in the other direction with his command "You need to get out here, don't worry about me."

It's Always Been You || Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now