Chapter 65 - A Novel Approach

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Getting Stiles' voicemail for the umpteenth time, I let out a noise of frustration and drop my phone onto my lap.

Resting my elbow on the window frame, I rub my fingers across my forehead– gaining mom's attention while she offers lightly "I'm sure he's okay honey– is the feeling the same as when you woke up?"

I shake my head and look over to her "No it's changed, but something is still wrong– I can feel it"

Mom pulls up into the parking lot at the school and finding it empty of Roscoe, I try Stiles again.

When he doesn't answer, tears threaten to invade my vision when I hesitantly look over towards mom who shrugs and offers hopefully "Maybe he's at home? We can stop by there on our way to the house– just because you left the hospital doesn't mean you're off the hook for resting"

My lips twitch in an attempt to smile at her before I nod and look out the window towards the library, an unexplainable feeling overcoming me what the hell happened tonight?

About ten minutes later, I let out a relieved breath when we come around the corner onto their street and see Roscoe parked in the driveway.

Mom shares in my relief when she looks over to me "All right sweetie, I have to get back to the hospital– please take it easy and make sure you get home soon– deal?"

She gets out of the car when I nod in agreement and comes around to help me climb out of my side before I head up to the front door.

Finding it unlocked already, I furrow my brows and wave over my shoulder towards mom as she backs out onto the street.

Closing the door behind me, I take in the quiet of the house before hearing movement coming from upstairs well good thing he's alive because I'm going to kill him

I take the stairs slowly, gripping my side with each step and cursing the werewolf instinct that chooses to impale my sides with their damn claws whenever I'm slightly in the way of their evil plan.

I head down the hall towards Stiles' room, seeing his door open and the light shining out into the hallway.

Setting my hand on the doorframe, I jump back slightly hearing him let out an aggravated yell as he throws something loudly against his crime board.

"Sty–" I offer hesitantly and he jumps before snapping his head in my direction, wide frantic eyes taking me in and swiping across his board again with his palm.

Stiles quickens his steps towards me, rushing out through his worry "Addy– what are you doing here? Why are you out of the hospital?"

He rests his hands on my upper arms, moving his eyes between my side and my face a few times.

I reach up and rest my hands on either side of his face, performing my own examination of making sure this is real and he's alive in front of me "You weren't answering your phone and I needed to make sure you were okay."

Something flashes in his eyes before he opens and closes his mouth, finally finding his voice when he clears his throat "Why wouldn't I be okay?"

Tears cloud my vision as I slide my hands down onto his chest and answer just above a whisper "Because for the scariest twenty minutes of my life I felt like you weren't."

Stiles almost looks scared as he sets his hands on my face, wiping under my eyes with his thumbs before he softly pulls me against his chest, enveloping me in a hug.

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