Chapter 54 - Orphaned

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"Your dad is on his way, ours is too" Scott states when he walks back over to us and hands me back my phone.

I haven't moved from my previous position in Stiles' lap, other than to sit on the floor so I didn't make his legs fall asleep.

Stiles wasn't a fan of the change in position, so he scooted me back until my back was flush against his chest and his legs were on either side of me I'm in a Stiles bubble with zero complaints

I look up to connect my eyes with Scott's, offering a nod in response to his words before we hear a gurgling noise from the other end of the locker room.

We all share a look and begrudgingly get up to go investigate the noise that can only mean good things.

We see Brett with some yellow foam type of stuff slowly coming out of his mouth, I drop down to his side and with Stiles' help we get him turned on his side.

Scott wastes no time in calling Deaton, turning to me to ask me if Violet said anything before she attacked him.

I nod "Yea, she taunted him that he was cut with wolfsbane. My money's on some type of yellow wolfsbane, if that's a thing, based on the color coming out of his mouth"

Scott reiterates the information to Deaton before hanging up the phone and bending down to pick up Brett under his arms "We need to get him to Deaton now, grab his legs..."

Stiles and I do as instructed, each grabbing a leg as we walk as quickly as we can out the doors and around the side of the building to Stiles' jeep.

"Derek's on his way to meet you guys, I'll stay here and deal with our dads" Scott says as he shuts the back door.

Stiles and I agree before we hop in the front seat to hopefully save Brett.


Derek is waiting outside when we pull up to the Vet's and opens the back as soon as we park.

He grabs Brett and we all quickly head inside when Deaton opens the back door for us.

Deaton heads to his medical cart and grabs a scalpel as we lay Brett down on one of the metal tables as softly as we can.

Brett opens his eyes but they're glazed over when he begins seizing and choking on the thickening yellow foaming substance.

Deaton shouts over his shoulder that we need to keep him still so after we access the way he's moving, Stiles and Derek hold down each one of his shoulders as I climb on the table with him.

I move to sit on his shins and set my hands just above his knees to hold his legs down as he continues to choke on the effects of the wolfsbane.

"What the hell is happening to this kid?" Stiles rushes out through our fight to keep Brett still.

I shake my head and lean forward harder on his knees as Deaton walks back over to us and states "He's been poisoned by a rare strain of wolfsbane." yea we told you that much doc, but what's with the seizing?

Deaton comes to stand in between Derek and I as he rushes out "I need to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible."

Stiles shares a look with me with those words as I resist the urge to scoff at that being exactly what we're already trying to do.

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