Chapter 49 - Dark Moon

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A throat clearing has us turning towards the door to see Noah with a hard look on his face as he flicks his eyes between us quickly "I'm going to need confirmation that what I just witnessed is actually happening, and not a trick of my aging eyes..."

Stiles' grip on my hips tightens a little as he scoffs lightly towards his dad "You were watching us?"

Noah waves his hand absentmindedly as he dismisses Stiles' accusation with his words "Son, give me some credit I'm an officer of the law– I don't watch people, I observe."

I snort, dropping my head forward to rest my forehead against Stiles' chest, who groans in embarrassment with his dad's words "That's just as bad, please leave the observing to actual crime potential perps, and far, far away from me and my girlfriend" will I ever get used to the way my heart soars with him calling me his? Spoiler alert– nope

Lifting my head off of Stiles, I turn towards Noah just as he smiles a shit eating grin and takes the few steps over to us quickly.

He sets his arms around us, setting a hand on each of our shoulders as he envelops us in a hug.

He shakes us slightly, earning light chuckles from the both of us as he states happily, "It's about damn time you two!"

Noah chuckles before he leans back, keeping his hands on our upper arms for a second before he clears his throat and steps back pointing over his shoulder towards the front door "Man this is great– plus we get your mom's famous lasagna dinner now."

I share a confused look with Stiles, before it seems to click with both of us. Widening our eyes, we turn back to him quickly as we exclaim "You guys bet on us?!"

Noah widens his eyes ever so slightly as he walks backwards towards the door as he makes a noise and rushes out "Hmm? What's that? No– no don't be ridiculous, go back to kissing your girlfriend."

Walking into the kitchen with Stiles, mom turns slightly to look over her shoulder before she goes back to filling the coffee pot with water "Hey guys."

I clear my throat once she stops the water and faces us on her way over to the coffee maker "Sooo Mr. S has requested lasagna for Friday night dinner..."

With her back to us still, mom snorts "Since when do we have a Friday nig–"

She looks over to us quickly, looking down to our linked our hands, before looking back up to us and smiling wide as she walks over to us "It's about damn time," she wraps us in much the same hug as Noah before she pulls back and glares playfully at Stiles "You couldn't have waited until this summer?"

I scoff and shake my head softly at her "I can't believe you guys bet on if we would get together"

Mom jerks her head back, drawing her brows in with a smirk as she looks between us "Oh sweetheart, stop being ridiculous it wasn't on 'if'– it was a matter of when."

Scott and Lydia do a double take, noticing my hand linked with Stiles' as we walk away from the jeep and towards the school.

Lydia points between us and smirks as we come to a stop in front of them, before crossing her arms in front of her and stating "Explain"

I playfully roll my eyes, failing at hiding my smile "You know perfectly well what this means, we didn't want to make a big deal–"

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