Chapter 45 - The Fox & the Wolf

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Hearing a knock on the front door I head down the hall and pull the door open, brows raising instantly at seeing Malia standing on our front porch with a hesitant smile.

I return with my own smile and open the door more as I question "Hey, long time no see– is everything okay?"

She shakes her head "Not really– umm I was with Stiles yesterday in Eichen–"

Taking that in, I close my eyes and shake my head once before looking at her again, interrupting her words "Why in the world were you in Eichen– wait is he still in there? Is he okay?"

I can tell Malia doesn't show much emotion in general with the whole learning to be a human again thing, however, the look that flashes across her face is clear as day something happened to him

I nod my head inside, stepping to the left to let her pass by and hold my arm out directing her to the living room.

She reaches out and hands me a sword in a scabbard. I take it in both hands, moving my fingers around as I look over the dust covered handle.

"Scott" I mutter and a few seconds later he's walking out of the kitchen, brows raised at seeing our guest.

She holds her other hand out, offering a square picture to him. Scott takes it in his hands and I look over his shoulder seeing the faded picture of a couple one of them looking exactly like Kira

Narrowing my eyes I lean closer "Is that?–"

I feel Scott nod next to me "It looks just like her– let me text her..."

Malia is taking in the room around her and I smile softly as I walk up to her and lay the sword on top of the back of the couch "Did– umm did Stiles tell you anything that has been going on since we last saw you?"

She licks her lips, nodding slightly and I chuckle "Well good, that saves us the time on the confusing catch up lesson."

She returns with her own nervous chuckle and I cross my arms and shrug slightly "So uh, what's with the souvenirs– what happened yesterday?"


Scott took the picture and the katana blade Malia brought over to Kira's to ask her what the hell is up with someone who looks identical to her being in the picture.

Could be her grandmother but no matter which way you turn it, her family has to be tied to this somehow. Especially if the body that had the picture in his jacket pocket that Malia and Stiles found, is who has been terrorizing Stiles.

Noah asked me to meet him at the station and has me wait in his office while he goes out to grab Chris and Derek.

The charges against them for Katashi's murder were dropped and they're currently attempting to leave once they get their things that were taken when they were arrested.

I stand up from the couch as soon as Noah walks in with Chris and Derek right behind him. I smile at them and come to a stop on the other side of Derek as Noah fills us in on his recent trip "The specialist I saw in L.A. told me the thing that every doctor says when he's trying to avoid a lawsuit 'we can't say for sure'."

I take a deep breath in as Chris shifts on his feet and Noah continues, reaching for the folder on his desk "And then I spoke with Melissa. These are brain scans– my wife's and Stiles'."

He hands them over to Chris, earning Derek and I to lean over to look at the two scans while Noah continues "I knew they were similar– but those are the same."

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